Legendary LFG/Trade Timer Issue

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Potent, Feb 16, 2013.

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  1. Potent New Player

    So legendary players are supposed to have a 30 second timer for LFG/Trade.
    For some reason me and a few other people are getting a message about a 90 second timer.
    Something to look into.
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  2. Blue Active Player

    Right now I'm sitting at 120 second timer and I'm legendary.
  3. Potent New Player

    Yeah, I just went to put a message in and now I'm at 120 as well. Relogging to see if it changes. There is definitely something going on though. It needs to be fixed.

    Edit: Just relogged, still a 120 second timer.
    Honestly this is just too long. Within 5 seconds, any message you have written is gone, and can easily be missed. I understand there needs to be some sort of timer to prevent spam, however if you're going to tell us that we have specific timers, they should be what we were told they would be.

    2 minute timer, 5 shouts, = 10 minutes to get into/find what you want for a group.
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  4. Potent New Player

    Is really only 1 other legendary player irked at the fact they have a longer than 30 second timer for LFG when we were told we would have a 30 second timer?
    As stated below, the timer is 120 seconds, the tiers were supposed to be 30/60/90. So we are actually waiting 30 seconds LONGER than the F2P timer was supposed to be?
    Does this mean Premiums are having a 180 and Free are sitting at 240?(3mins and 4 mins)?
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  5. Radium Devoted Player

    Once they merged all the chats I made my own tab and never looked back. Barely even noticed Shout/LFG/Trade wasn't even there.
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  6. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    this is happening to me also. im legendary and im restricted to 1 message every 120 seconds.
  7. ShadowSubzero91 New Player

    Now at 150 seconds. Premium here.
  8. Goony New Player

    think they changed the timers on us and never posted urgh that really bites my tookus
  9. Shadow Vlad New Player

    Its been happening to me too. It's like when you get a log in que and legendary is full bar while prem/free get right in. Smh
  10. Potent New Player

    2 Days now with a 120 Second Timer as a Legendary player, with no word on whether or not this is intended. Its taking up to 30+ just to SHOUT for forming a group. This seriously needs to be addressed.
  11. REEEPR New Player

    What really sucks is when someone LFG's for roles and you reply. Then you wait. Then you see a better LFG so you have to wait for the timer to expire. Now you have 2 things to choose between in the LFG. Meanwhile some idiot is still spamming "Joker helm for sale" every ten seconds? You should only be put on a timer if you are reported for spamming. Don't make the rest of us suffer.
  12. Spicoli New Player

    Same here. Glad it was not just me.
  13. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

    Me too, I'm not impressed:mad:
  14. Shadow Vlad New Player

    Really hindered things for me tonight. Needs to be addressed
  15. Zylo Committed Player

    me and a bunch of other legendary ppl also get 120sec waiting time. this is not working as intended.
  16. Jockin Jay Well-Known Player

    I am legendary and it happens to me too.
  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We have been adjusting the timer on the fly based on activity in the channel. We will do a better job communicating changes in the future.
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