Some time ago, some leagues were able to have multiple leaderships. Am wondering is there are still any leagues that retain this ability?
If memory serves you cannot set multiple people to the "leader" rank, it would simply transfer ownership - there was a bug where the game set multiple people to the rank of leader and it cannot be undone, this has not been rectified.
What happened in your case? Catalyst still has 3 leaders at the top ranking, are you down to 1 or did some of the leaders get demoted? Reason I'm asking is because we've been worrying we will need the person who created the league when League Halls comes and that person... well, moved on to the dark side of the force in our case...
Ouch... Was it a random thing or was Spartacus the one who started the league in the first place? That's really unsettling, sorry to hear that. Any way, double checked, we still have 3 leaders in our league.
JT is been doing pushups under the sun all day long mouahahaah Spartan Regime Beware whoever donĀ“t pay tribute to the Spartan