Maybe one or two, maybe a lot of people has been thinking about this. To set up a league ranking which it would benefit, not all, but some real popular leagues in all senses... Since i haven't find any topic related to this one, i would like to clarify certain 'options" to consider... This is not an obligation to be made, it just how people see leagues.. - Your league should be fighting any league available during FNL, so everyone can be looking at the action and the same time 'Spytle', 'Mepps', judge the fights.. yeah, it might look like a tourney, but that's not the idea. - Your league get promoted at the same time, even lose or win your fights, people without leagues can find you easily cause your name has been already mentioned before.. - Top leagues are 'pop', cause they love bringing - showing - at least, trying to help other players and teach there's already exist honest players who offers their help for games' comfort.. - Yeah, someone has to manage this... maybe SOE mods or staff, only if they find having a league ranking useful.. i think players shouldn't control this. Maybe one of these options should help you.. Meanwhile, negatively speaking... maybe there could be a 'disagreement' for certain fights or maybe a hard-heavy discussion about this... Having league rankings is not a game, cause your judgement you show which side have the chance of showing themselves of what they are made of.. This is just a way to make game a bit competitive... that's all... LET'S HAVE SOME FUN GUYS... Would you accept this?, what's could be your idea?.. is there something wrong? why?.. Note: THIS IS NOT HAPPENING, this is just to establish what people think about this...