Up-Votes Needed League missing and can’t log in to daybreak

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by LeatherJacket25, Oct 12, 2022.

  1. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    My personal league looks like it’s been limited, I’m trying to log in to daybreak to open a support ticket but I can’t log in.

    There is a message on daybreak page that is obstructed and I can’t see fully what it says. Something about my email address.

    I was part of a discussion about multiple accounts and after my post, the next time I logged in my league it’s almost completely missing except for that I can go to my hall but my statuaries are gone and I can’t decorate or anything. It’s not appearing for any of my alts and as far as I am aware I have not done anything wrong.

    What do I do?
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  2. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    The same thing happened to me. It happened right at the week turnover on the next 2 characters I logged into, both of their leagues missing. I'm a little afraid to continue logging in on different characters to see their leagues disappear.

    I was able to open a ticket about it, though. Just finished filing it. I'm glad it at least happened to someone else around the same time so I know it's not just me.

    Prior to the week turnover I was on a few characters and they were all in their leagues if that helps. One of those characters was the second one who had their league missing when I logged them on after weekly turnover, and their league was intact a couple of hours before.
  3. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player


    Managed to log into daybreak and open a ticket.
  4. tehDarkNite Well-Known Player

    My League is missing too - third time this has happened on EU and this will be the second time I opened a ticket to get added back again.
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  5. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    Really? Three times? Holy.
    How long does it take to restore it?
  6. tehDarkNite Well-Known Player

    depends when you submit. next business day for me - I had submitted on a Friday and the gm responded monday I recall

    They just find the league and add you back
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  7. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    Do they give a reason for why it’s happened?
  8. tehDarkNite Well-Known Player

    Seems random - thought it was my league name because the faq would have you believe they just randomly disband leagues with names they dont like but it doesnt seem there was a reason.
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  9. tehDarkNite Well-Known Player

    Update my league was back after restarts on EU

    No response on ticket so I guess it resolved itself
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  10. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    Yep mine seems to be all sweet now too.

    Thank you for the help!