Launchpad Won't Work, Cant re-install

Discussion in 'Game Support' started by Tsigalko, Apr 20, 2017.

  1. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    when i tried to play the game, the launchpad doesn't work and i get the error message :


    and the error message keep popping for a few times. and when it finally get to the launcher, it won't work and the launcher also send an error message :


    so finally i try to reinstall, but the same thing happens. the installer work normally at start with the net framework, directx and all, but when its time to launch the launchpad to download the game it gave me the same error message. and this also happens with the test server installer.

    unlikely to be a connection issue coz when i tried installing to my laptop it works fine. my PC is some old spec PC, with only winxp and 2gb ram. but i've been running the game with this same PC since 2012 and worked fine and never have any problem like this until yesterday.

    any suggestion? have tried to contact support but the response is kinda slow so i figure i try my luck here if anyone have the solution that i can try.

    thanks in advance
  2. Atheist81 New Player

    I'm having the same issue. I'm getting the same message. It was working as of last week. I'd love to take advantage of the stabiliser weekend, but it won't start. Sorry I don't have a suggestion though.
  3. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    That is a Windows Kernel error.
    It wouldn't surprise me, if you have more problems with your PC than just that failing installation.

    The short answer for non-tech ppl is: Your Windows is broken. To fix this, reinstall Windows. Well, sometimes a restart fixes it, but brace yourself for the worst.

    Why this happened is impossible to identify by only the error message. It ranges from registry errors to malware.Replacing the .DLL is a bad idea, because commonly more than one .DLL is broken and in addition to that .DLL download websites offer files "spiced" with malware.
  4. JohnTMan Level 30

    It's not your pc. If you remember they just did maintenance on their log in servers. The next day windows xp users can't log in. They quietly cut off winxp users without at least telling them. I can understand why--some other companies just announced that they would no longer be supporting windows xp anymore(blizzard for example).
  5. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    sorry for the necro but kinda feel the need for some kind of closer. in case few people still havent figure out why.

    the answer is actually this. i've open a support ticket and they reply that the game doesn't support xp and vista anymore. doin this without any notifications or some kind of announcement is kinda weird, but meh, i know this would happen eventually. kinda funny tho, one of the reasons i still play all these years is because im too lazy to upgrade my home PC and DCUO is one of few games that i can ran smoothly. haven't decide yet whether i will upgrade it or not, since i already have a work laptop with pretty up to date spec and my pc was only for data storage anyway. but i think even if i finally update my PC i will try other games that i can't play before.

    anyway this just get me thinking.. if the reason the game stop to support xp and vista is because they are holding them back, i think its time to really consider stopping ps3 support. i think they hold the game back even more than old OS in PC right? xD