Fixed Launcher Patch Fail

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by vikteren, Nov 11, 2020.

  1. Skulussa New Player

    I got the same answer from the support team, and to apologize I even received 500 daybreaks in cash as a compensation for waiting for the servers to be available again.
  2. FadedAngel New Player

    No kidding. Was going to resub last weekend to see what's been shaking in DCUO-Land but the window of interest is gone. Will come back to it another few months, I suppose.

    Hope they get it fixed at some point, lots of peop's more patient than I'm willing to be.
    Have fun out there.
    • Like x 3
  3. musclecock New Player

    Same man
  4. musclecock New Player

  5. musclecock New Player

  6. morkiuss New Player

    At developers. What about wasting our membership and missing out on bonus week stabilizers ? We are basically getting scammed right now by the company.(I hope we will get something in return after you figure it out)
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  7. freekyjason New Player

    My sub runs out in 2 days, havent been able to log for a few, those missed stabilisers etc. meh, not going to resub. cannot believe they still havent done something about this
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  8. morkiuss New Player

    I see an improvement it is checking files for me now and about to install. I guess they fixed it ?
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  9. morkiuss New Player

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  10. Skulussa New Player

    Contact the support they will surely be able to do something, make a request to this address.
  11. crowir New Player

    Ok guys i think it works now, try it!
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  12. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Trying. So far It's installing, don't want to get my hopes up. lol
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  13. nihilismia Level 30

    4th day without being able to play and it is apparently not over. A commercial gesture will be necessary.

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  14. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Everquest 2 Forums posted this:
    Morning All, the fix being executed by the teams is non-final with adjustments being made that may alleviate the issues for some players. At this time, we are not going to announce that all accounts are able to access with 100% surety so work is ongoing. Thank you for your patience.
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  15. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I'm in :)
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  16. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I didn't get any compensation for not being able to play neither did anyone I know that had the issue. Are you sure It's not just your monthly Daybreak Cash? Daybreak don't just give stuff.
  17. Skulussa New Player

    No because I receive it before I take my first abonnement (Since yesterday)
  18. NanananananananaBatman New Player

    So my bro heard back from a GM and they didn't give him anything (he just asked for his missing stabilizers which he was denied) , but basically said they may only do something to compensate from the downtime if "enough support" was "rallied" here on the forums for them to "compensate" us for it .So according to them, anyone who's irritated about this and the lack of them doing anything to make up for it should post on here/tweet and/or start a ticket with them regarding the same. I too definitely think they at the very least owe us the stabilizers we got gypped out of because it wasn't our fault any of us couldn't log in....
  19. Skulussa New Player

    After i don't know how the support fonctionate, but they can't distribuate at everyone maybe, i don't know sorry.
  20. NanananananananaBatman New Player

    A strange double standard indeed. A lot of you in this thread seemed pretty upset by this and said they should do something to make it up to us. If you still are there's this thread geared at that exact topic. Just thought it was worth mentioning as I thought crossposting was against the rules before but apparently links are legit , so I probably should've posted this here alot sooner. , well if anyone still cares that's there.