launcher error (4-503)

Discussion in 'PC Account Support' started by cyberdroid, Feb 4, 2017.

  1. cyberdroid New Player

    Hi, I wanted to play and the launcher get a error (4-503) so I block out of the game, please help
  2. SheerFaith Committed Player

    Launchers are Down..
  3. AMGSpyder New Player

    I got in finally, but then immediately disconnected with the error, "There was an authentication issue connecting to the world." Yet whenever I can't get log in like this, I check the world status and it shows UP and "high" population. Who are these people that are in the game???

    US Live 1 minutes ago
  4. NotHappy Active Player

    where are you checking the world status? I don't think Daybreak offers this.
  5. AMGSpyder New Player

  6. SmokeyBear Active Player

    still down :eek::(:confused:
  7. SmokeyBear Active Player

    still cant
  8. Ruble Noon New Player

    Same on PS4 also
  9. Cortana Level 30

    Because there are still a LOT of Players logged into the game. Not everyone is experiencing the login-failures and the servers are still UP.
  10. Max Dragonard Well-Known Player

    And, it begins again. 8:50 central time on Feb 5th. Launchpad cannot connect to server.
  11. Scuzlbut Well-Known Player

    look into the bug sub forum. there are many postings about that sh** ...

    and the devs have noted it and will "take a look"
  12. Sydiv New Player

    this again..