I'm trying to update my test server and it hangs at 0 of 208 MB. I then tried getting the installer just to see if it would connect... http://launch.daybreakgames.com/installer/DCUO_Test_setup.exe That timed out to a 504 error. I've been on test as recent as the final version of the stats revamp, so it was previous able to hit launch.daybreakgames.com. Is this just high traffic? Is there any other way for me to get the missing assets? Thanks.
Hey guys, i found a solution that will get your launcher to update. I tethered my Cell phone to my desktop and used my phones internet to download the update. You can either use tethering, or a your hotspot if you are using a lap top. I just got my launcher updated this way. When it's done updating, just connect back up to your home internet. Cheers Edit* do you guys also have comcast internet?
I got Comcast. I lowered the firewall; changed the DNS servers. Still no luck reaching their website for the DL. even deleted the freakin game. So no way I'm gonna tether 27GB via my phone.
Nice work! I thought about doing that, but didn't want to tack on that amount of data. My family plan is tight on some months. I did try at a coffee shop to change up the IP to no avail. I'm using Time Warner by the way. I don't think all TWC customers were locked or it would have been very noticeable.
ya i hear ya on the data usage. Fortunately the update wasn't huge. Was only 200 mb. But it for sure worked for me and i have been messing around with water for the last hour. hope this helps someone else out there.
yeah i tried those same things, nothing worked. I didn't bother deleting the game because the server that hosts the file for the test server is giving the same problem as the launcher. There seems to be a problem pinging their server though normal ISP. I don't blame you for not wanting to download the 27gb through cellular. That would be SLLLOOWWW lol Fortunately the update was only 200 mb and i have an unlimited plan