Last one to post wins

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Rockin earth, Jul 2, 2013.

  1. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Okay, so 'drag' is wearing clothes for the other gender, regardless of which gender you are?
    But not the same as 'cross-dressing'? :confused:
  2. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Well yes and no.
  3. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

  4. Bhanqwa Well-Known Player

    So I'm doing a mission in Assassin's Creed, killing every templar (the enemy) on my way to the objective. I reach the location and my objective updates to: kidnap a nearby templar :mad: .
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  5. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

  6. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

    Bought a collection item on the broker for 4million a couple of days ago. Just checked...and the same item now sales for 900k............damnit.
  7. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    4 million?
    Suckeeerrrr lmao
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  8. Bhanqwa Well-Known Player

    I know the feeling. I once saved up to by one of those awesome dome cans, which are much better than the disgusting open cans or the garbage bags. Those dome cans? Cost 1-2 mil... and two weeks later after I bought mine they went for 20k and less o_O .
  9. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

    Yup. The spear from the Amazon weapon collections. lol Really wanted those damn cloven hooves leg style.
    There was only 2 for sale on the broker that night. One for 4mil the other for I thought I was getting a good deal on the 4mil one haha
    Then checked it last night, and there was 3 for sale all for 900k

    To add insult to injury...I got them for a level 20 alt that I made. Nature. He looks kickass but when I get him to level 25 I decided I really don't like playing with the nature power. Wasted.
  10. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

    As RuPaul says "We're all born naked and the rest is drag."
  11. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    Just as recently finished buying the living planet items for relatively cheap money at the time (1mil/900k), i've started seeing them on the broker for like 250k. Same with the Artifact replicas, the last few weeks i've seen a few of them under 100k
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  12. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    This will teach you to spare the mindless killing for DCUO missions and instances :D
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  13. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    Lmao , I bought the whole collection last year for @ a million :p
  14. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

  15. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

    "Take this god-mode off and let's get it!"
  16. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    Dunno where to start on how stupid this guy is ,
    Wants to fight with his armor all busted,
    He is a 114 , Mepps is "showing" 145 or so ,
    That's like a 25 vs bizarro , of course ur butt is going to get 1 shotted , a fool wanting to b better than someone else
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  17. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

    I like how at 7:30 he sets the video up by saying in a very depressed voice "I just don't like how Mepps did this to us." following by 5 minutes of straight laughter.
  18. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

  19. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

    Shame there are so many rules on here about what you can say, and what you can't say. Other wise I could make a joke about that cat looks like its trying to give itself a .........never mind.

    100% Unrelated to the above post

    :p Blow Pops!:p
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  20. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Had an unexpected but well-timed birthday gift the other day: an author of a web comic named a vote incentive after me! That's, like, on the same level as another web comic author naming a minor character after me (and changing appearance and weapon choice) :D
    It was completely coincidental as the vote image would have gone up the night before, but still, totally left me grinning and happy for the rest of the day (and viewed the invotive at around 4am :D)
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