Last one to post wins

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Rockin earth, Jul 2, 2013.

  1. tman Well-Known Player

    don't think you like me
  2. Rusvek New Player

  3. Mont New Player

    lol, umm i was just pew pewing if i hit u i am sorry,here is a bandaide ====[ ]====
  4. Darth Loyal Player

    Oh dang, the pew pews are starting. It's good the Deathstar is in position in case someone decides to get out of hand...
  5. Mont New Player

    a pew here a pew there, here a pew there a pew
  6. TheRealDeathern New Player

    Happy Labor Day Weekend All!!!

    I hope to get my DCUO groove on, what do you have planned?
  7. Mont New Player

    wait for it fun starts at 1:08
  8. DaiSojo the ice Barrier Level 30

    question to those still playing Dcuo is it a good time to come back? what i mean is since this new dlc came out has community gotten alive again (overpopulated). Has the community on USps3 server changed?
  9. BlueVariable Committed Player

    Asking if a games community has changed since last one had been on it, is like asking if there are still issues between Israel and Palestine. Or if politics has gotten any better since the last time one watched the news. Or if there are still gun control laws in debate. Or if drugs are still a problem. Or if life is still struggling to get by.
  10. Mont New Player

    yeah, what blue said
  11. General Zod 10000 Post Club

  12. Mr.Me New Player

  13. Mr.Me New Player

  14. Mont New Player

  15. DaiSojo the ice Barrier Level 30

    i dont get how asking a simple question is an issue? by your answer blue is it safe to assume that the community is still rude and obnoxious? not all game communities are the same just as not all country relations are or to be. no need to draw agro
  16. BlueVariable Committed Player

    The question is not an issue of course, and I didn't mean for it to come off as rude, or obnoxious. Simply stating that the question itself, is applied to an idea that a collective of people, as large as forums/gaming communities tend to be, can somehow change into a more absolute form of what it actually is.

    What I'm saying is that people who think that a community is rude or obnoxious, is really only reading into that negativity, rather than enjoying some of the positive things that do go on. It is of course easier to maintain memories of negative experiences, over positive ones. Things change, and they never stay the same. Some people are awesome and nice and pleasant, some are not so much. Some of those nice people can sometimes be rude, sometimes the rude ones can be nice.

    There is no fundamental change in the dynamic of a forum that can provide you an answer to your question, because their was no absolute overall state that everyone perceived in the same way to begin with, when you left.
  17. Mont New Player

    • Like x 1
  18. DaiSojo the ice Barrier Level 30

    thnx for the input blue. as you say there are some that remember negative and rarely positive moments. unfortunately that is one flaw i have plus being on the villain side of USps3 some of us are very cynical and had bad experiences with broker/buying/selling, and with players having common courtesy in raids to respect one another. especially if we (League im in) are trying to teach some other players how to (finish the content) play the missions or attempt them. just wish more ppl like them out there. im worried since the new dlc my bring out the elitists. just gotta lookout for my own and those in need i guess.

    sorry for the drama
    • Like x 1
  19. TheRealDeathern New Player

    YAY!!!! They are letting us off early today (1.5 hours even though the holiday is MONDAY...:D ) so I guess that means additional time for DCUO!!!!!
  20. BlueVariable Committed Player