"Largest expansion content to date for 2023"

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Magnificent, Nov 26, 2021.

  1. TritonD3 Well-Known Player

    Was no one at Marvel paying attention to how this game was being run when they gave the green light?
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  2. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    The game brings in big revenue. Money talks.
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  3. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

  4. Multiverse Creator League

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  5. Multiverse Creator League

    Yes... in theory.... it could happen.

    But under Disney... it won't.

    Heck Marvel stopped making Hulk movies because they would have to share revenue with Universal who own the Distribution rights.

    They prefer to not make a Hulk movie just avoid sharing the big pot of gold with Universal.

    Which is why instead we got Hulk as a guest star in the Thor movie.

    Which is a bit ironic since wayyyyyy back when we had Thor as a guest star in the Trial of the Incredible Hulk. ;)

    Heck.... they downplpayed Xmen and Fantastic Four from their comics because Fox had the movie rights to those properties

    Heck they went and removed the Fantastic Four from Marvel Heroes way back when.

    Disney does not like to share.

    Heck they do it with Sony and Spider-man because they have no choice...... but you can be sure they are not happy to be sharing Spider-man with Sony.

    So yes.... it theory it could happen.
    But in practice..... no way Disney would agree to this...... unless they buy and own DC Comics?? :eek: ;)
  6. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Doubtful. You don't play fast and loose with terminology like that with investors.

    My hope is they're finally making the jump to U4 or 5 and the long timeframe is due to all the background work which would need to be done (things like not just migrating on server-side but on client-side).
  7. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Considering this game has lasted 10+ years and Marvel's Avengers is on life support after one year, I'm sure they feel they could do (and have done) much worse. And I say that as someone who still plays, enjoys and has hopes for Marvel's Avengers.
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  8. Harlequin Devoted Player

    It just needs more battle passes.
  9. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Avengers? It needs more endgame content and better (or really ANY) social and player communication features. Granted, DCUO didn't have any more endgame content after one year than Avengers has but DCUO had PVP to keep people engaged between DLC's.

    But that's all a topic of another thread.
  10. Controller Devoted Player

    Good points.

    I guess my "fear" - being a bit irrational as it is - is that they / DI could be "dumping" DCUO for the "More popular license" of Disney / Marvel.

    My post above was perhaps just reading too much into the Actor Switches and THEN tying them into the OP Magnificent's post about this event coming up in 2023, regarding DCUO.

    Here's hoping that DCUO lives another 10 years or more - and DC movies do as well.
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  11. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Nah. It needs more monetization. It makes every game better, especially ones that cost $60 up front.
  12. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    I paid $25. But yeah, more revenue increases the budget which allows for faster/better/broader development.
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  13. Harlequin Devoted Player

  14. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    It's well deserved to have monetization since every new character is free, as a live service it has to make money back while spending money for new content.
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  15. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Great plan. The massive success of the game speaks for itself.
  16. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    The game failing has nothing to do with it being live service but everything to do with Crystal Dynamics lacking the experience to make a live service game, we're literally playing a successful live service game as we speak. So it's who has the passion or talent to deliver a successful live service game.
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  17. BumblingB I got better.

    Disney is licensing the Marvel product quite often as of late. Just anything related to the movies is a sore subject for them. Comics, games, and other is a different story altogether. Otherwise Daybreak would have have the IP in the first place.

    Licensing is a weird thing. The same company can have problems with it as well and they are the same company.

    If Disney could see numbers on a DC/Marvel Omniverse game, they'd go for it, but it wont happen because of other reasons.
  18. Multiverse Creator League

    Yes.... Disney want to make money......

    But what they seem to want even more is to prevent their competitors to make money.

    Yes a Marvel DC game would be great... and I would be the first on to play that game.

    But Disney will most likely never agree to it just to prevent DC from making a single cent with that game.

    Although.... they had to make an exception with Sony and Spider-man....
    so who know? You might be right on a DC Marvel Omniverse game??

    Guess we will have to wait and see. ;)
  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    To be honest the 2 points I’m most interested in are the marvel mmo and the graphics update. Both stemmi g from my interest in the graphics update. Reason being that this game has been on unreal engine 3 since it came out and it shows. Any graphics update they do is limited by the capabilities of the engine. I’m interested if the update would include an engine update. Unreal engine 4 is literally right there and unreal engine 5 is set to release in 2022? I think. If they update the engine would they switch to UE4 or hop all the way to UE5? Either way it would be a huge step forward to not only the graphics but what they can do.

    Now, as for the Marvel MMO. If they don’t update dcuo engine and use UE4 or 5 for the marvel game, dcuo will literally look like a relic. And let’s face it they wouldn’t use UE3 as a base engine for a mew game that should be out by 2025? (Wow I’m old) A game on a better engine would probably just be a better overall game. Especially if they use the skeletal system of dcuo. As in combat style, roles, hero based abilities (gamma tank anyone?). They would also probably learn from their mistakes with dcuo. As in the hero villain split. Creating content that makes sense story wise from 2 opposing factions each dlc takes so many resources. They might just to heroes of marvel. They also know what makes money so artifacts?. Point is. With them working on another mmo based on comics. If they want their cash cow (dcuo) to survive they would need to modernize this game to stay competitive. Both graphics wise as well as a modern engine to be implement these larger content they claim.
  20. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I do wonder about something. If they’re building a Marvel MMO from the ground up with new tech; what’s to stop them from just using that work to upgrade DCUO at the same time?

    I mean, a building is a building. A pedestrian is a pedestrian. They create some iconic DC locations and just largely plug and play. The foundation work on a new game engine would just be sitting there waiting to be re-dressed.

    Basically, Dimensional Ink could build a virtual backlot. For instance, the same street on the Universal backlot was used for the Chris Evans / Captain America origin scene chasing the ****’s escape car, and then used also for the death of Uncle Ben scene in Andrew Garfield’s Amazing Spider-man. Those two scenes look completely different, but they were filmed in the exact same place. It happens all the time in Hollywood as backlots and locations are used over and over in tv and movies. And you’ll notice the studio doesn’t matter - both a Sony and Disney movie filmed on the Universal backlot.
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