Larger Boss Battles

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Red Skorpion, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    In the Batcaves we had Brother Fos We had Meta... in Prime there was Paradox there Were the Ravenger, Tyrant, Opressor etc. but not since "Dox" have we had a large Scaled boss... all of them are rather small and sometimes are easily lost in a sea of adds.... This Blows... Teaming up to bring down Carrol Farris w/ 2 lanterns seems a bit excessive ... larger boss fights are usually more fun since they ask for a threat seemingly undefeatable by one single player but would take a team effort. Ask if you would ask players to name their favorite boss fights in DCUO i doubt Circe, Luthor, Zod, would get very high... me i enjoyed The combination given by DOX but Prime's Braniac Would be next up. so for the future DLC Please at least one Large Scaled boss ... i understand it may be easier to get someone our size and have them do martial art combos and 2 or 3 supers ... but those are no memorable fights...
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  2. nohealhere New Player

    i approve i can only hope when they close a triologoy they make one hella of a boss fight
  3. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Never really thought about it....
  4. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    She's under control of the Predator. And we get to see it reconstituted in the lantern battery in the background with that weird creepy look on its face. It may not be satisfying, or memorable, but the big boss is an emotional presence.
  5. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    i know all this but i'd rather fight the predator.
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  6. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    You are, you just can't see it slowly losing control over her.

    I'm poking fun, I know what you mean. Who knows ... maybe the Entities will be in part 3.
  7. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Essentially with the Predator going wonky, we are fighting the new Star Sapphire Queen, Carol Ferris, and she is mega buffed. We are not killing her per sat, merely knocking some sense into her. I agree, the boss fights should be more epic in scope, however, for a small group DLC, this was a decent fight. Actually, this has been the best DLC since OC.
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  8. nohealhere New Player

    i have to disagree i say hop is the best one since oc
  9. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Sorry dude, Necropolis was so easy, it wasn't fun. Artifact was ok. Lockdown was the cream. However, the fact that 3 raids shared the same gear was beyond wack. Lockdown should have had it's own gear, period. HOP was ok, but nowehere near the fun of WOL part2, MO of course.
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  10. nohealhere New Player

    idk man. lanterns are kinda of stale but those new gods were brand new npcs to the game entirely
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  11. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    I agree that the New God's are a better property. However, WOL part2 was just much more fun for me. I actually prefer large group content. Yet, I am also objective enough to rate DLC's appropriately. WOL 2 IMO is more enjoyable than HOP 1. I had high hopes, but they were unfulfilled. I would rather you include 1 really good and enjoyable raid, than 3 that have 1 good 1 and 2 mediocre ones. Time could be spent on other areas.
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  12. nohealhere New Player

    hop was meant for players of all skilled lvls since it is a large group. there were people who struggled on art and plently who struggled on ld. amazon fury 2 will prob be the same 3 raids with each different diffuclty
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  13. Impulsively Committed Player

    Big scale boss battles are fun for sure. All three of the current trilogies have a lot of potential for big enemies to take on as well.

    Fighting the Hydra or Cerberus or another Greek monster of myth would be crazy cool for Amazon Fury. And HoP has Darkseid :D
  14. King Felsa New Player

    There is actually a very sneaky reason for this: Rage.

    Without the counter mechanics against it, this tank powerset is so overpowered that it would always be the go-to choice for large boss battles. It is virtually unkillable. Therefore, they needed to add bipedal boss fights so that it would fall prey to getting block broken, allowing for the "risk" of rage crash to actually happen.

    We probably won't get big boss fights, because the devs gave us an overpowered tank powerset.
  15. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Clearly they are saving the best boss fights for last.

    Pretty much the end of the trilogies you will need 2-2-2-2 because those raids have such high end raid mechanics.( Or they could be so simple and let you down.)
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  16. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Even so, falling asleep during these boring boss fights is just sad, but true. Necro was the absolute worst. Artifact was pretty weak as well. Lockdown was the only fun raid out of 3, that is sad. I will say this again : GIVING AWAY GEAR IS NEVER A GOOD THING. That is what Necro and Artifacts did. Anyway, hopefully the boss battles will be more fun going forward.
  17. nohealhere New Player

    i agree with you. i acuttaly kinda of enjoy zam and rage. the alerts are just fun. mist and strike were a bore compared to those
  18. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    Large boss can't really be used anymore because they wouldn't have match mechanics.
  19. Sore Steadfast Player

    I'm hoping for a true big boss fight. Multiple target points. All that jazz. Maybe even needing to fight a room.
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  20. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Trigon was big in Survival Mode, but not a lot of people got to see him.
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