Laptop shopping dilemna

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Morcra, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. Zamara Dedicated Player

    Yup, any of the lenovo options are way more a better option than the dell laptop but I wanted to share the experience I had with mine so he could get an idea of what he could get with any of the options that I gave him since they're all kind of similar in specs. The only reason I got the dell was because here in Mexico the difference in price between them was more than $6,000 MXN (that's like $300 USD).
  2. Morcra Committed Player

    Not quite sure but I've been hearing that msi products usually have a lot of problems
  3. Zamara Dedicated Player

    Yup and according to this site the price is still under the 17" version of the Y700 for $120 but for $30 less you would get the same specs in a 15" screen.
  4. Zamara Dedicated Player

  5. Zamara Dedicated Player

    I just checked and my laptop now has 4,036 MB of shared memory, is that a good thing?
    It's kind of weird since when I bought it it was around 1.9 GB.
    And for dedicated memory it has 128 MB.
  6. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    I have one, an earlier model, but it only had one problem and that was with the wireless driver. Updated that and no problems at all. That's the only reason I recommended one. Most of the complaints are kinda silly, but I'm a computer geek. First thing I've ever done with any new Windows PC is uninstall bloatware and then run windows update. Oh for the days when gamers knew their systems inside and out. Us old timers never have these kind of problems.
  7. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    Shared memory means it uses part of your system RAM for the integrated graphics. A dedicated graphics card works better because it has it's own memory. Also to note, what kind of new computer only comes with that little bit of memory.
  8. SpagTheTapdancer Well-Known Player

  9. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    For that price, I would just stick with the Lenovo. $100 more just for extra 8GB ram and 2GB more on the video card. Its up to the OP anyways.
  10. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    Outside of watching adult entertainment ; and coming here.. What other things do you use a laptop for?
  11. SpagTheTapdancer Well-Known Player

    umm...that's actually a good value. the 8gigs of DDR4 laptop RAM is $96 on newegg, and an extra 2GB of VRAM is literally DOUBLING IT. There are genuinely some games on the market right now that chew through VRAM, such as shadows of mordor with the right mods.

    and again, this is on sale. it's actually a product that runs much higher. Spend more today to have better performance for a thousand tomorrows. It's also still in his budget,so more is still reasonable to pitch.
  12. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Not sure if the OP wants to go over his $1000 budget, also no clue how much is tax in the US is.
  13. SpagTheTapdancer Well-Known Player

    I added it to card. no tax added, since it's an online vendor.

    Regardless, once you purchase a computer, you are stuck with it. no use in buying something inferior when you can scrounge for another week to cover a small difference in price.
  14. Morcra Committed Player

    Probably simple stuff like homework and essays. Not much else. Maybe watch a video. That's about it. Casual stuff
  15. Morcra Committed Player

    Well I don't plan to game with the highest graphics on my games with all types of spectacular fps and textures that might just pop into reality. I just want a system far more then capable of handling most normal settings of graphics that comes it's way. If I want high settings, then I could just do that. That's all.
  16. xSpartacusx Well-Known Player

    =O am interested in what you choose. I am in the verge of buying a new laptop, desktop or both.
  17. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    If you're not traveling a lot, I would recommend a desktop.
  18. Drathmor Unwavering Player

  19. SpagTheTapdancer Well-Known Player

    then that game is a good "mid-range" power computer. it's not built to crush games at super high settings. you should still be able to max games at 1080p but the most demanding of games at 1440p are going to need more oomph.

    either way, if you're going to spend hundreds of dollars, I'd like you to get your money's worth. it's still your call, I'm just following my conscience on this one.