Lantern-theme gear and their Inspirations

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Netherith, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Netherith Well-Known Player

    Okay, so we know that the upcoming Red Lantern gear is inspired by Rankorr (a Red lantern from the new 52 comic line) but what about the other suits?

    Sector Agent

    Sector Incendiary

    Sinestro Corps Suit

    Green Lantern Corps Suit[IMG]

    And of course the "to-be-released-in-the-future" Blue Lantern Corps suit
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  2. Tule New Player

    Yellow one is standard Sinestro Corps with the triangles leading down. You can see it on Sinestro, Amon and Arkillo. Seems like the same thing with the Blue/Green suits. A standard green outline you see in most of their spandex costumes mixed with some helmets/shoulderpads to fit DCUO.

    I know the first two had inspirations too, but I forget the exact ones. The shoulders/body seem Parallaxy.
  3. Dynagirl Committed Player

    Is there a front and back pic of the red lantern suit? The green lantern suit looks to be inspired by the recent new earth addition to the corps whose name I am blanking on atm.
  4. Tule New Player

    Simon Baz? A little bit I guess. Seems more like a normal inspiration, but who knows.

  5. Jurgen Blitz Dedicated Player

    The Sector Agent set is inspired on the Alpha Lanterns, just that the ones that we see in-game have a lame design, with a "Parallax" touch, as in, the armor that shows on a Lantern when they get possessed by Parallax (google Kyle Parallax or Hal Parallax to see this).

    Sector Incendiary is the same but with a gritty touch.

    And yes, the new GL set seems to be inspired on the looks of Simon Baz, by the looks of the head piece.
  6. Netherith Well-Known Player


    Not seeing much inspiration from the primary lanterns
  7. Fearlantern77 Well-Known Player

    [IMG]Kyle Rayner in that picture looks way to similar to Nightwing.
  8. Tule New Player

    Looks closer to the Sinestro I posted and the Hal in the above post.
  9. Campor Well-Known Player

    The reason they don't look similar to base Lanterns is purely because of the fact that it's necessary for them to show every part. If you just took the chest, legs and gloves then you'd be looking at something very akin to their respective Corps.
  10. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    • Sector Agent was based off Hal Jordan’s Parallax persona.
    • Sector Incendiary is a stylized armor based off the Sinestro Corps uniform.
    • The Green Lantern, Blue Lantern and Sinestro Corps iconic armors seem to be stylized flexsuit version of their corresponding uniforms.
    • The Red Lantern Corps iconic, on the other hand is based off of Red Lantern Rankorr.
    I do hope that we get some other iconic pieces and armors based on the other Lanterns.
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  11. MugenM422 New Player

    you and me both, either that or HL armour pieces, or HL armour projectors?
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  12. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Those would definitely be nice!!!

    Also, while I’m kinda neutral about the look of the iconic armor and understand that the styles needing to be divided into 8 pieces influenced the look, I would’ve liked if the Lantern emblems themselves had a glowing and floating aspect. Especially when you factor in we’ve seen similar effect in various gear previously.
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