Lag/Latency issues

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WaRHaMMeR NL, Feb 7, 2016.

  1. WaRHaMMeR NL Level 30

    Ok so i keep getting massive lag at certain moments in the game.
    I'll try and be as specific as i can so that maybe the devs can find out what the problem is.
    I hope they can because it is driving me insane and i makes me not want to play anymore.

    One thing that counts for all my chars (new and lvl30) is that when i log in on a char it takes about 2/3 minutes before i can even check my bank/mail, or change outfits and even land an attack.
    The only thing i can do during this time is move around.

    Now the more specific things...

    1. New characters

    When i play on a new character and get into a busy open world area (like Metrodome with the HIVE mission or Metropolis General Hospital in the doctor Psycho mission) i/or the game start(s) to lag like crazy.

    Sometimes i find that the game is like 20/25 seconds behind.
    I get damage ticks AFTER i've done something and i sometimes even get KO'ed whilst not even being in the area of the mission anymore. (this has happend during the stopping Giganta mission with Wonder Woman as mentor, And also in the Hive mission at the Metrodome with Superman as mentor, both in the early stages leading up to the bossfight)

    And whilst i'm doing the things i get the rewards but the enemies dont recieve damage and dont go down, Evendough i get the money and power bubbles for defeating those enemies.

    Half of the time the enemies just randomly disappear and then re-appear 2/3 seconds later.

    2. My lvl30 characters.

    While playing daily missions in Gotham under Siege there is also a 10/15/20 second delay.
    It gets really extreme when you have to transform into an eagle and throw bombs at the bridge...
    Most of the times the bombs disappear and re-appear 5 seconds later, And when you throw a bomb at the enemies on the bridge sometimes the bombs just hang in midair, or you throw them/fly back and about 15 seconds later you see the eagle make the animations of throwing the bomb.

    Also in the Holding the Line mission when you have defeated the Enemies near the bridge and have to go to the outpost to fight intruders, When i get there and start fighting i get the bubbles for power but the game just doesnt register my attacks, Then when i get to the Guard Major i attack her, Nothing happens (from what you can see) but i do defeat her and when i get back to the outpost it takes about 2 minutes for the game to catch up before Adonia appears.

    Also in Alerts, But more so in Raids, It's like the more people/NPC's that are in my screen the higher the lag/latency gets.

    Sometimes i am about 20 seconds behind and i even mis entering encounters because i am still fighting enemies that apperantly have been defeated 25 seconds before i see it happen.
    And the cooldowns dont work on my abilities.
    They just stay red for 10 seconds and then go off cooldown.

    Also with those lags i get random hits out of nowhere and my mousemovement gets stuck in a way that i can only look left and right and can not move up and down.
    The only way i can fix that is to get KO'ed so i respawn OR i have to warp to a rallypoint.

    I know this is a massive wall of text but i wanted to be as specific as i can.
    So sorry about that.

    As for times and location:
    I'm on EUPC, and the time doesnt matter, It happens all the time every day, No matter if i start playing at 11.00 CET in the morning, 16.00 CET in the afternoon or 20.00 CET in the evening.

    As for PC specs:
    8Gig RAM
    GTX 560ti graphics card.
    500GB Harddrive

    settings on normal ingame.

    I hope the devs can fix this, Because this is starting to take the fun out of playing overal, and leveling up new characters.