Ladies & Gentleman V1.1

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flightboy, May 28, 2014.

  1. Flightboy New Player

    Hello everyone,

    I have been reading more and more of the same hate threads as of the late and would like to shed some light on what GU 9 was and how it was changed...

    Game Update 9 was the release of Team Buffs....

    How it was changed shortly after its release:

    "A Team Buff allows griups a better chance to overcome aversity, even when they find themselves missing one of the key roles. Anytime three or more players are grouped together, within range and in line of sight of one another, they gain a team bonus to compensate for roles missing from their group.

    If a group is missing a Tank:

    -Group members gain 25% Damage Absorption.
    -The Tank Team Buff is indicated by a Green Shield.

    If a group is missing a Healer:

    -Group members gain a small amount of Health regeneration.
    -Additional Health regeneration will occur while holding the block button if Health is below 30%.
    -The Healer Team Buff is indicated by a Green Heart.

    If a group is missing a Controller:

    -Group members gain a smaill amount of Power regeneration.
    -The Controller Team Buff is indicated by a Green Lightning Bolt."

    I am reposting this so that all of you who want to gripe, complain, qq, etc now have the facts about the "Team" (not Role) Buff.

    Let's dive into the current infamous "If a group is missing a Healer"

    "Group members gain a small amount of Health regeneration" - This is such a small amount IMO you really do not even realize it's active and when it is not...

    "Additional Health regeneration will occur while holding the block button if Health is below 30%." - Ok this is apparently the REALLLL gripe. I would like to know honestly how many of you are actually playing turtle when you get below 30% health to get use of this healerless buff. I would also like to know how many of you are NOT popping a soder, supply drop, or kiting away if you reach 30% Health....

    I'm not bashing you all who continue to QQ abobut the Team Buffs in the T6A I just want you to really read this before talking about removing the Team Buffs or the Team Buffs being a crutch, advantage, or whatever.

    Best of luck! :)

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  2. Delta795 New Player

    So I can absorb 1.25x the amount of damage I usually would be able to without having a tank before getting knocked out & if I'm really in need of it and soda's or supply drops are on cooldown I can turtle for a few seconds just outside of the fight and regen health or just regain health (albeit slowly) when traveling to next zone....Correct?

    I can do all of these things PLUS get through an instance faster because support roles DO NOT get damage multipliers
    ANNNNND you don't see how this makes groups prefer to NOT RUN with support roles?

    Group buffs are a joke, even the Devs said they were intended for groups that COULD NOT fill a role. I'm all for play your own way, but these are stupid.
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  3. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I just want to say thank you for clarifying this. I will admit I did not have a clear understanding of Team Buffs and this helps me. Thanks again
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  4. Flightboy New Player

    Easy killer...

    This was more or less informational for those not around when GU 9 launched, but feel the need to repeat threads / replies on removing "Role Buffs" (which actually is an incorrect name) ...

    If you're upset or want to talk otherwise you can PM me. Tankless buff I agree needs some small adjustment, but tanks being in the group are not really the issue at hand. Yes you can do all of what you asked, but again will you actually do it?? SMH... I agree they are a joke, but should not be removed. They are a joke because the very very small advantage it actually gives...

    Thanks for your input.
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  5. Flightboy New Player

    No problem EP! I figured becuase it was one of the older GUs that not a lot of people were too read into it... The more knowledge the better IMO. ;)
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  6. Mister Majesty Committed Player

    I never did understand the complaint over the healer-less team buff either.

    Like you said, who is actually turtling up to regain that minuscule amount of health regen at 30% health?

    I dunno about you, but I've popped a soder and/or supply drop by then, because with the way some enemies hit, the next shot you take with 30% health left, might very well be the last.

    I am dodge rolling out of harms way before I turtle up to regain health. This truly does not offer any tangible benefit when you consider the practical application of said buff.

    The only reason I emphasize the healer team buff is because that seems to be the role that everyone is excluding nowadays, and the easiest scapegoat is the buffs themselves.
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  7. Flightboy New Player

    Thanks for understanding my OP. That's exactly what I was shooting for. Where I understand it being the "easiest scapegoat" I still don't understand how certain people can defend it like it's bible... SMH.... Hopefully the re-post of what it actually does will open eyes to some still blindly pointing fingers...

    Again thanks for your post! You do exactly the same as I do in the situation of 30% health in the T6A. (I'm pretty sure MOST do lol.)
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  8. winter13 New Player

    Turtling brings you back to full health in a relatively short time. While just moving from one room to the next at the beginning of the t6 alert, you will also regen health. Do you really think groups would stop and hang out and wait for their bars to regen before going from room to room if these buffs weren't available? No, they wouldn't because the whole point of leaving out a healer is because the "team buff" helps you regen health faster, which means you get done the instance faster. If the buff was not avaialble, groups would either have to pop colas in between fights, use supply drops, or wait for their health to regen. They don't have to do that now with the team buff.

    Anything that makes it easier to exclude a specific role is not a good thing for the game
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  9. kawe Loyal Player

    Been there, known it. Group buffs are still not good.

    And yes, the heal group buff is very noticable in my eyes. I don't rly pop sodas in no heal T6a runs, and supply drops only for the dmg buff. Tank or dps stance.
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  10. Vyltran Loyal Player

    Very nice thread, at least to refresh some minds about team buffs...
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  11. Delta795 New Player

    In the end it's still a buff that is applied to a team that is missing a role. I understand why the buff was put in there but as usual the community by majority has abused it to the point where individual roles are being left out.

    People complain that individual people don't know how to play there role effectively and this is one of the causes for it. They want the tank to switch to DPS or the healer to switch to DPS and then get kick happy if they are not keeping up. Agree or not anything that gives you extra ability to do something you would not normally be able to do is in fact a crutch. Hell the Devs even stated it.
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  12. Flightboy New Player

    You're missing my point. Yes, it is just a buff applied to the group when missing a role, but is the buff truly being utilized in the T6A?

    Are people actually getting an edge in these speed runs or non traditional set up?

    I don't think I've seen any videos / heard of anyone dropping to 30% health and then holding block for health regen... I know for a fact if I run in a 2-1-1 or 3-1 set up I am not doing it... (really don't drop to 30% health as I know where to position myself as a DPS or Troll)

    So again I ask you how is it being abused? Roles are being left out simply because of it being faster without certain roles. It doesn't matter how much faster just that it is FASTER.

    Methinks why certain people are reaching for excuses is because up to T6 some have been able to hide behind knowing half of their powerset and when asked to do the other half they cannot. There are exceptions to this, but again this IMHO....
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  13. Flightboy New Player

    Thank you very much. :)
  14. Flightboy New Player

    How is it very noticable in your eyes if I may ask? Do you see non-tanks holding block? Do you notice extreme health regens as you go mob area to mob area? I'm not doubting you just curious.

    Can you also elaborate on team buffs still not being good?
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  15. Flightboy New Player

    So this kinda ties into skipping adds right? When skipping adds does everyone show up to each fight at the same exact time? No not always... Do people get caught by a group of adds while skipping around? Yes, are they in combat at that point? Yes....... And if they were low on health pretty sure most are OCD (;)) especially when a healer is not there and will pop a soder....

    The problem TBH is the fact that as long as you have a decent tank in your group heals are not needed at all. That's a fact... It has nothing to do with the Health regen, but strictly how avoidable most (in some runs all) damage can be. That's a whole other thread though. (BTW take skipping adds away and groups can simply have the tank aggro all adds and bum rush the boss fights and clear out the adds afterwards... ;) )
  16. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    its been so long since i noticed or needed the team buffs in an alert. from what i remember the only one that was really "worth" having was the defense debuff you get for not having a tank. i remember it making running alerts much easier. energy and health regen was slower and you needed to be grouped together. i remember queuing up for alerts and everyone would huddle together if we didnt have a healer. even so it would never max you up like a troll or healer could. (* if your health goes up to max between fights it isnt the healing buff that is doing that...its just regular health regeneration we all get when not in combat)

    i didnt even realize we get the healing buff (or any for that matter) running the t6 alert.
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  17. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    yup tanking has come a long way. this is the first time in a long time i can remember them being the key note in a t6 alert group. i would rather run 1-1-1-1 or have no healer over a 2 dps/no tank run with a healer...even a talented one.
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  18. Damashi The Kaotic Well-Known Player

    I'm a controller and I use this buff to my advantage when a healer isn't in my group, because the buff regens health really quickly. I don't use sodas (I can't buy consumables reliably to protect myself due to the premium cash cap so I trained myself to never use sodas in any content) and I've only just started using supply drops, because I keep getting into situations where my partner gets killed during the last boss of a duo and I have to tough it out alone.
  19. Flightboy New Player

    Sorry, but you may need to re-read my OP. You do not get this buff when running a duo... Not sure if you are mixing up the two or not...
  20. Damashi The Kaotic Well-Known Player

    I was stating why I started using supply drops in content. I'm well aware of how the buffs work and how to use them properly when a role is absent.