lack of voices and bad traslation in the spanish version

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Batman2099earthcold, Mar 4, 2020.

  1. Batman2099earthcold Committed Player

    there are several styles ,instruction }which are bad traslated or omited and also there are severals parts of the game which are voiceless inlcuding npcs and decorations like the teen titans drones which are muted in the spanish version.even the seasonals raids are voiceless
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  2. Luke© Well-Known Player

    The problem with the "missing voices" is in all languages, works only in the english version.
    In my opinion they should just put the english version of the voices in every version, just with the certain sub titles.
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  3. RoBotkin Well-Known Player

    I feel for you, but unless they start including new voice acting lines in time capsules I'm afraid that they probably won't address this to quickly.
  4. Batman2099earthcold Committed Player

    Ok Thanks.unless they should fix the bad traslations