Kryptonian power trees HERE!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GuyverVII, May 21, 2014.

  1. GuyverVII Well-Known Player

    I've been asked that a lot I'm thinking one tree is physical and the other more like magic i.e Zeus bolts or Medusa's glare but I'f I get the time i'll play around with it.
  2. GuyverVII Well-Known Player

    SUPERMAN FANS UNITE! Funny if it was the other way around I would have logged in just to like too!
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  3. Novaks New Player

    I like the idea man good job (even though I wanted to see an elemental Tank like Water, Wind or Metal) but still I like this too.
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  4. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    Yes it's true about Light & Rage. Technically rage is nothing, but one color of hard light, which already was... but at least we can hope for Atomic powers standalone from Quantum & Shadow powers standalone from Celesital. Btw.: also you could use lce powers, because they look like sunstones, just like character creator suggests. As idea, it's pretty detailed, but only one remark from me - technology tree contains only "Phantom Warp", that can inflict "crystallize" status & it's single target only - you need another PI applier as well, or better two of them.
  5. GuyverVII Well-Known Player

    Still wish they made this power -sigh-
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  6. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    Nice ideias! I really liked!

    Maybe if you change place of Infinity Mass Punch with Super Speed barrage and this power with Heat Vision (that can be a 35% finisher)
    Now you will have a 35% finisher!

    But nice job! I loved!
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  7. GuyverVII Well-Known Player

    hey love the ideas and heck why not! But if you know the superman comics you'll see why I made the gauntlets the finisher xD

    Thanks for a great response and feed back
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  8. guardzman New Player

    Good job i would definitely give it a try
  9. Minecrawler New Player

    Spam Infinity Mass Punch....duh!
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  10. ErnieB Loyal Player

    OMG first of all thanks you for being the first non Blue Lantern power post in months, it's about time someone remembered Lanterns aren't the only power in DC. Second it sounds like a great idea, one thing I would add is the use of Kryptonite somewhere, but a synthesized version of it that instead of making you weak, it actually gives you a temporary power boost, in dps it could boost your prec/might, on Tank your health/dominance.
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  11. Dezaras Loyal Player

    Well played.

    Is there a phantom zone trinket in the game? I had the idea of a trinket that temporarily allowed the player to be possessed by a phantom, boosting their stats for a short time. Hell it could be a power. But I'm sure I've heard of the phantom zone trinket...
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  12. GuyverVII Well-Known Player

  13. Ken Spartan Committed Player

    Nicely done, I must say. There are some things I disagree with, personally, but all in all well done. :)
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  14. GuyverVII Well-Known Player

    Thanks it was just an idea and this was done before AM's and WM was out but honestly thank you!
  15. Armaggedion Well-Known Player

    Brilliant ! To this idea i say

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  16. Zylek New Player

    I am curious about some of these, you mentioned they're in the comics....

    When has Superman had that ability?
    Summon them from his Fortress of Solitude? That'd make sense, would be a neat ability.
    Has he really used that much weaponry like grenades?
    Where do the bolts come from? Are they a natural feature or common action that he has performed?
    This would be epic!
    Has he done this on a frequent basis? It seems that his more common abilities would be best for a Supes-like build.
    Seems unlike Superman but maybe he's used this type of ability a lot in the comics?
    Seems unlikely that he'd do this, at least it seems uncommon. When has he blasted form his hands in the comics?
    Maybe this could be like the new 52 super flare power, but without the Phantom zone.

    The Sun absorption ability could provide a quick refill to power (and healing).
    Is this already part of the flight tree? There are a number of flight add-ons for attacks but I haven't used them.
    Personally, I'd intentionally leave something like this out, and make mind attacks against a Superman-like character one of the key weaknesses in the character.
    Would love to see this available to both Superman and Flash type characters.
    This would be an amazing addition! God-like? Check. Overpowered? Check. Absolutely awesome? Check.

    Interesting ideas. It's nice to see someone get creative with build ideas. Ultimately, I'd rather see the devs redo the Superman-like or Kryptonian character build from the start, at character creation, and include all of the abilities and powers that are most commonly used and most popular with the current version of Superman.
  17. TheBadBat Well-Known Player

    This is freakin' AWESOME
    Good thing you made there.
    Hopefully something similiar or THIS powerset will be avaible !!!
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  18. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    I like this as I've been wanting Kyptonian descent toons.
  19. Wonder Wiccan Dedicated Player

    I still say this and an amazon themed power would be a dream come true for me.
  20. Zylek New Player

    Amazon theme would be nice. DCUO seems to be fitting somewhat within a generic realm of superhero gaming, following previous patterns from other games that made their own innovative marks in the community. Including the DC characters, basic themes as presented in the stories, and ongoing developments of those elements is good for the game. However, one approach that would help make this stand out above the rest would be to really put a lot more attention into the character-specific themes - with their powers, abilities, and back stories - notably Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, then the rest of the heroes and villains, but just start with a couple or few from each side. Really develop them, giving us themes for proper character creation and building.