Awesome. As someone who likes to decorate their base, I notice more than a few pricey items in your lair. Mind telling about how much you spent to decorate? Just curious more than anything...
About 25-30 M I think, bought 90% of them back in 2016 when FoS SM and episodes-where those items drop were popular endgame. Sunstone Flooring/Roofing used to cost 60-200k, bought lots of them, SM items 50k-1M.
I just finished making my third revisit of a kryptonian base. Im glad I stocked up and alot of SM base items over the years. If you want Ill toss access your way. The idea behind my base is that its a secret kryptonian outpost from the few recent years past, with the kryptonian militia escape from the phanton zone. The base is called Alien Outpost.
Took a bit but finally got you access. Hit me up next time you are online and ill give a tour. Be sure to pass me access so I can check out your base. Ign: Iconic Simulation
Sweet base!!!!! Help us convince the devs to give us what we deserve!!!
I use cave for this guy. Cave is too dark for my kryptonian taste and I wanted to make it feel more like 'cozy house' rather than 'creepy hideout' plus it's for a female character. No idea, I collected those items when Phantom Zone was an endgame and you could run Survival Mode FoS back in 2016.