Kryptonian Lair

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DarkAya, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    So I gave up thinking we ever gonna get sunstone lair theme but luckily we have many Kryptonian/Sunstone base items to play with.
    Few screenshots of my Kryptonian character's lair :D

    • Like x 38
  2. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Ohh I love it!!! So cool.
    • Like x 2
  3. Kzinti Committed Player

    Great Job!
    I like it!
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  4. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

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  5. Sable New Player

    Great work there!
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  6. Tarif Committed Player

    Thanks for posting it. Love the base design. : )
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  7. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Very nice!
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  8. Dene Devoted Player

    wow nice job!!!

    (Krypto doesn't seem impressed though lol)
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  9. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Looks awesome! :D
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  10. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    GREAT look. May I ask what style pieces you are using on that character? One of the best Supergirl/Women I have seen!!
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  11. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    very clever.
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  12. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    It was great to see more of this lovely base. Outstanding job.
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  13. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    Thanks folks!
    If you'd like to visit, mail/pm PowerBlondie (USPS/PC).
    chest: Fallen God
    legs: New Genesis / Fallen God
    shoulders: Herald of the Black / Beyond High-Tech
    back: Herald of the Black
    waist: Sector Incendiary / Fallen God
    feet: Nuclear / Mid-nite
    hands: - / Nuclear
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  14. Tahaalizzy2000 Well-Known Player

    Amazing job! It always amazes me when players make such cool bases.
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  15. Frank Zarjaz Committed Player

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  16. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Dang, I actually wanted my lair to be like this at first; but SM wasn't around anymore by the time I got to it so I went with a christmas lair instead.
    Really well done. +1
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  17. Earth742 Well-Known Player

    This so blows my base out of the water. I double-downed on Icicle & snow decos to try to make a Dive of Solitude, but doesn't come close to this. Are those decos in the Marketplace, or drops from content set in the Fortress?
  18. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    How did I only now just see this topic ? Awesome base, excellent job !!
  19. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    If I'm correct kryptonian items drop in Phantom Zone alert, Science Spire solo, Brainiac Bottle Ship and Prison Break raids. I also bought lots of sunstone consoles/dividers/replicas when Fortress of Solitude survival mode was out but I doubt it will ever come back. :(
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  20. Dene Devoted Player

    Here's hoping the new Supes event gives ppl even more to use :D
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