Kiosk to vote to skip the cinematics

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aduzar Light, Feb 18, 2022.

  1. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    As you know, for some time now, we have been entitled to different voting terminals in the instances, one allowing to vote to pass cutscenes and one for different difficulties in a raid.

    Would it be possible to add the terminal allowing to vote to pass the cutscenes in all the instances and especially the raids?

    I also think of one thing if a person in the group has not seen the cinematic the first time it would not be possible to vote.
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  2. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    I Would very much like to have it in low level solos the most.Some of those cutscenes are extremly long when you have watched them a SO many times before.
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  3. MiLady Well-Known Player

    Also, why is it that after Thursday weekly reset, we can skip the cut-scene on the seasonal event giver, but all other days in the week, we have to listen to the whole story? We should be able to skip this all of the time.
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  4. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    The idea is especially thought for raids, because a raid is relatively long and when you want to enjoy a bonus a second time after a server restart.
    Imagine if we have to deal with a DLC with 2 raids, it's a long time to wait for the cinematics and therefore, a lot of lost time and especially, if we want to enjoy a bonus of such event with x number of characters a second time.
  5. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    As someone who cares very little for the story & just kills whatever im supposed to, im all for methods to speed it up. Hate cutscenes
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Hey, it's not like you haven't watched yourself turn into Huntress, Bizarro, Circe or WW like....100x already...right?
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  7. Inconforme+ Active Player

    The idea behind a comic-based game is awesome (even to players who no are FAN-COMIC like the creators (is somenthing obvius)), the cinematics are too, but when u lose time to can finish faster enough, or when u see the same cinematic more than 20-30... times, is... well...(if u spaming Fos 3 for marks, can imagine how much cinematics can see in a day.
    The other thing are the monologues, in Age of Justice DLC for example are SO long, The mother of WW before be her mother, when free the 3 allies under the boss fight, etc., listen Vandalo talking with himself for so long, time after time, and many more examples.
    In the duo of metal are "kiosks" to skip all that, then stop it.
    LOT of ppl want this feature permanent and in ALL content, know programing is somenthing hard to do, more when u must reescribe such old code, but use the money we give to u to can do that, is like the voices, if NOT gonna translate them, then let it in english and the subs in the desire language from every person, but instead are just silence from npc's, since Hand Of Fate DLC never again do a voice traduction, again is knowed the expensive about the voice actors, but..........
  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Id say, sure add it in. But we already know the person who wants to watch the cut-scene is going to get flamed and potentially kicked by the group if a name is present on who elected not to skip. So i think names needs to stay hidden, if they would add a option in to skip.
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  9. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    yup, my usual process in Earth 3 duo after beating Lex, RUN to the exit ASAP. It says in text that it's optional to click Lex (cutscene), but it is always a thing to not see the other player in the last instance phase until i've reached the boss. Which indicates to me they clicked Lex and watched the cutscene. It's the pugs that make me take years away from playing this game. Well, that and time capsules with feats inside from a RNG collection.

    Hey devs, try harder to educate newbs about how your game works. Apparently text on screen is not enough. :rolleyes:

    Having now played Lost Ark. Retaining users, try new systems. Allies, fine for DC license, keep them happy. Suggestion, try a system that with more experience the power abilities look differently than normal. I really like that about Lost Ark. DCUO is a 2006 game released in 2011, and has a challenging prospect of possible projects to retain users among new games. I'll put 3 dollars on they do more of the same under EG7 shareholders.

    Side note. Doing omnibus duos today, popped my henchmen in Shadowlands and they never showed up.
    JLD pub crawl, EVERYONE does not click the crystal to skip the cutscene. It may or may not be related to having to press Enter twice to make the UI show up upon spawn so freaking often in instances. The crystals may or may not show as interactive before the player passes by the object.... and they do not read text.

    I'm all in, for being able to skip cutscenes.

    Side note, I can't skip the seasonal cutscene with Mr Freeze giving the daily mission. :rolleyes:

    Yup, again, Lost Ark, if everyone in the 4 player content hits Escape, ends the cutscene. I can hit space bar to skip to the next text of the story from all NPCs. space bar is pressed quickly, by me.
  10. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    I wouldn't see any real issue in solos, but in group content, probably should be available only if everyone in the raid has seen them at least once.
  11. Deathsaurus Well-Known Player

    I'm totally against it.
    In solo - yes, but in group content it will mean that many ppl will never see any cutscenes, and those who want to see it will be kicked from instance
    I remember how people ragequit in Batscape Duo because i refuse to pull the lever.
  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    That why i feel like skipping should be unanimous, and those vote to skip should be hidden.
  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    How about a 'skip cuscenes after 1st watch' option in settings that's auto set to on, and a kiosk in run to 'opt in'. If it's anyone's first run (like the Bascape duo) the kiosk is NOT clickable. If someone wants to walk out....because it cannot be skipped, let them. If someone really wants to watch the cutscenes, they can press the kiosk button at risk of being booted later (yeah...that will happen) but having to require 1 press in a raid is way more feasable than requiring 8 to press a button in order to skip, especially for spamming. Even for the most obstinate a-hole, I doubt they'd press it every time if you are repeating 20+ times. And if they do, they deserve to be kicked from the group.
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    The default should be a choice to opt out, rather then making the skip cut-scene default for everyone.
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Might as well not have it then, because likely someone would not have changed the option. Guaranteed.
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  16. Deathsaurus Well-Known Player

    So, basically, skip or be kicked.
  17. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    Would be nice if they made you add a reason to the kick as well as make it known to the "kickee" as well rather than being greeted by an instant loading screen.
  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Thats fine, it wouldnt stop them from voting to skip, it simply allows the cut-scene to initiate, rather then auto-blocking it from ever starting.

    If thats toggled and everybody has it enabled to skip, the cut-scene wont play. If one person has it left off, it will initiate the cut-scene, but they case choose to skip it or watch it if they choose.
  19. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    That's why I mentioned that: "I also think of one thing if a person in the group has not seen the cinematic the first time it would not be possible to vote." and I might even add that, as a result of this, the game is not obliged to indicate "who" voted against. It could have a message like "at least X people voted against".

    Also, I think that most of the time when a person will vote "no" to skip the cinematic, it will happen more often in normal content than elite content and generally, compared to elite content, you don't spend forever in normal content.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Hey, I applaud your right to watch the cutscenes, and your ability to form a group who wants to spend the time...every do so. If you jump in my group...and we were spamming FOS3 (I don't spam, so this is a hypothetical)....and you decide to push the button (adding +25% longer runtime per run), I'll just get your replacement next run. No worries, no hard feelings. And again, it would not be an option if ANYONE had not watched the scene this is just repeat watches so your example of 'ppl will never see the cutscenes' as it would not apply.

    I'm not sure if you noticed or not, but the cutscenes are not episodic....the 2nd, 3rd or 4th time you watch one, it's not's ending doesn't change or impact the run any differently...other than runtime. If you want to watch them every time, that's cool, just don't run in my (or most people's) group.

    For the record, I doubt they'd every add an option on raids. I do think that it should be an option on ALL solos and really duos too. If you can't come to an agreement with 1 other person, maybe you shouldn't run together. 4...8? Nah, I doubt we'll ever see that.
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