the disconnects and or people just turning of the game of is getting out of hand. We need to be able to kick more often. or just be able to kick disconnects faster. we are being held hostage by this thing. i have been grinding and not being able to kick disconnects is killing me. this 3 hr stuff is not cutting it.
Screen tips or a system email to the user that they disconnected last time may help. Disconnect was meant for network disconnects, lot of times ppl just don't quit the game properly. If a raid wipes.... then disconnects. Yellow portal, on duty->leave, option disconnect or switch character. Don't just directly hit the PS button to quit when still in an instance.
Agreed. Some people just leave without leaving the game properly and being disconnected. I understand some can lose internet but for those who just quit without using the teleporter or leave in on duty, it's becoming really annoying. We should have an automatic kick for those who disconnect after about 5 minutes. I think it is generous so they come back, if not, we have the right to kick them. Do it devs! It happens too often.
This game is becoming unplayable. Severs lag, people DC then being unable to kick, we have to disband. DCUO is becoming known as Disconnect Offline. Let us kick the DC's without penalty!
I think the kick system needs to be monetized. 10 replays per yes vote. No replays for no votes. So for a raid it would require 40 replays to kick and 20 for an alert. This will be the only way I can support the 3 hour kick timer being done away with.
I have no problem with the kick timer. I rarely kicked before, and I kick even less now. People who kick others are generally poor players who need better players to help them through content. Linkdead players are easy to kick if people choose who to kick wisely. I wait to start a vote to kick until everyone else in the group is unable to initiate. I have yet to have that happen since the new rule was put into place. hmmm....dammit, a real sophie's choice here. Kick that guy whose name starts with the letter J ( I hate that letter) or keep him in the instance and have his very existence mock every thing that I and my country stands for... well played, my unbridled hate for the alphabet and everything it represents (words and what not) meets my unfortunate strong moral values and forces my hand
Kicking should have some consequences to it, if 3 hours is to much of a consequence, why not pay to ease that restriction. It works well for the gear model, the mainframe upgrade, the powers, and what not. I see no problem here.
Ehh, the kick timer I think should be kept, it's reduced a lot of the ******** shuffle that used to take place, but yeah, we need a tool for tossing the 'lost in linkdead limbo'
I got replays like scroogemcduck, I'll kick you, leave the instance and kick you again.....funded by loyalty perks, i'll become the villian this game deserves, the villian my weak power would never allow me to become But seriously some people have stockpiles of freebie points and could buy unlimited kicking if it was replay badges
I'm sure there are people like that, and that is why the ignore feature is in place. I made my post joking in a way. I don't really care what they do with the kick feature, my playing of the game is winding down anyway.
Yeah i'm not a fan of the 3 hour cool down. From my own experience when you're trying to pug raids and you go from one raid into the other and you meet a disconnect or somebody just not playing ball... its a nightmare. I would maybe say reduce the timer down to 1 hour. Monetizing kicking... Oh my.... That's an idea for the trash can i'm afraid.
Why stop there, 2 dollars for every time you log in. Disconnect, sorry that will be 2 dollars. Lose internet connection, sorry that will be 2 dollars. Lose power, sorry that will be 2 dollars. Ohh and then they can expand that to cover logging out to. Want to log out, that will be 3 dollars. So much potential for money.
5 minutes? no 2 maybe 3 minutes max, hell me with slow AF internet when I was on ps3 never took no damn 5 minutes, dont even think I took 3 minutes, but still.
The 3 hr kick timer is probably one of, if not the worst implementation of the game. If anything there should be a flag set that if you kick a player that has a status of Disconnect or Away there should be no penalty.