Kick party!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Leonite, Apr 27, 2022.

  1. Leonite Well-Known Player

    I don't know what's going on but just this week, the groups I have been with:

    * kicked a tank in alert after dps died from ads, once
    * kicked a troll in raid for not providing enough power
    * kicked the lowest dps in raid, lowest CR too

    Granted, #2 is a valid reason but all these happened without talking to the player being kicked.

    Also, all runs were just regular instances, not elite. In the first two cases, we ended up leaving the instance anyway bec the replacements joining in were not the right roles.

    Geez, we all need to chill a litte.
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  2. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Just the other day we had someone who died and was waiting outside, try to kick the healer in the middle of a fight on the LAST BOSS lol. While everyone else was still in the fight. I guess the player didn’t see or have tags turned on, because 5 of the 8 players in the group were all in the same league. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t laugh when they excercised their majority by voting no to the kick then swiftly starting a new vote and kicking him instead. Right before the last boss was finished lol
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  3. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    I've accidentally voted to kick b4 when trying to inspect someone
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  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Just yesterday I kicked a DPS because he didn't get up fast enough. He also wasn't listening when I gave him clear instructions on what not to do, which was why he was knocked out in the first place.
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  5. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I would have done the same I hate when they get knocked out and just stay there lol.
  6. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Curious about #2, actually. I've run the raid a couple times now, and my wife struggled with power each time while healing, which rarely happens to her. Is there more power usage in the raid than usual? Are there mechanics that might be draining her power? Or is it just that even though Controllers seem to be putting out power based on the scorecard numbers maybe they're low vit or running more buff?
  7. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    LMAO, that reminds me of when I was still in a league and we ran a raid with a handful of us league members and then a few PUGs in the remaining spots and some guy thought he knew everything and was the best ever and started ordering people around and insulting them despite actually having no idea what he was talking about. I don't remember everything he said, but one thing was him demanding the tank stay away from the boss, which.... the tank is the one person that doesn't stay away from bosses lmao. Kinda goes against the whole point of a tank lmao. One of my at the time leaguemates started calling him out on his BS and he got super salty and started a vote to kick her. Yeah... um.... the entire group, both league and PUG, were sick of him and instead voted to kick him. So that... backfired slightly. I think it was also the last boss just like your case lmao.
  8. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I was in a raid this week and was tops in damage. I was kicked after the first wipe on boss. I thought there was a request to disband until I saw "You have been kicked". I LOL'd.
  9. Reluctant Well-Known Player

    Why So Serious!
  10. Reluctant Well-Known Player

    what server? that sounds like Xbox tactics.
  11. PickArole Well-Known Player

    Hmmm... How did you guys kick during combat? Every time I try it, it says I can't and have to wait.
  12. Hraesvelg Always Right

    The person that initiated the kick was "waiting outside", as per the story. You can vote while in combat, just not initiate.
  13. PickArole Well-Known Player

    Ahh, I see... thanks for the clarification.
  14. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    it has been a weird week, it feels like half of the raids I've been in have kicked at least one person. Annoyingly in a couple of instances, they were Omnibus raids, and 7 people will be max CR and one person slightly below, obviously gearing up, and they're getting kicked for pulling lower numbers. One instance, a paradox wave instance, the problem was the heals, but a low geared DPS got kicked.
  15. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Most Trolls don't see that as their primary role these days - they buff and debuff, whilst bleeding a little Power restore from the innate of any power used in Troll role. It's best to clarify at the beginning of content if a Troll is in Battery or Debuff mode. But a LOT of people are going to expect them to be in Debuff by default.
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  16. nawanda Loyal Player

    Yeah. There are trolls kicking round with buff specs who put everything in Health and don’t have enough SP to put anything in Vit, so they are running around with weak passive power and no power dump. Poorly advised I would say. Buff trolling is not for weaker toons, you also need to be able to power the group.
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  17. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Well-Known Player

    Kicked someone tonight first they q as healer and we ended up having to have someone who didn't q heal as healer first 3 bosses then I switched to heal lb and this person was bottom dps but what was the last straw was when on last boss they caused a wipe for the third time cause they wouldn't block on the explosion beam. So yes we kicked them and beat it on the next attempt.

    Also players are quing as roles to often now and not switching. This is already my number 1 reason why I kick and alway will idk if your top dps!!! I care if we make it though.
    Oh and someone ask if power consumption in raids is higher? Answer is yes this is because we don't get roles buffs and power Regen in end game raid so you need a troll to feed the tanks and heals and lower sp dps that don't have alot of sp in might and power.
  18. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Well-Known Player

    Yes your right on if they can't max out vit they shouldn't even be a buff troll. Low sp buff trolls are useless and get kicked cause they listen to someone that said some stupid **** like oh you can just put the claw on and do damage as long as you recharge buff every 20 sec or so but they have 0 in vital so the boosted pot is less then and power troll pot when it should be higher the a power troll I have but nope everyone it out of power but them and heals can't keep tank alice and so on cause players are telling noobs with 100 sp to buff troll
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  19. Ergotth Committed Player

    Try getting her with Cyborg ally and upgrade him up to lv4 and equip as SUPPORT ally. As long as your base have the generator above 50%, you will naturally regen more power. Really handy as of lately.
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  20. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    I took a break from the game 6 years ago, 50% because of the game content (& time capsules), and 50% due to pugs (the league members quit also). I'm taking another break beginning last month.

    A power hog user who has little damage to show for it. meh, let'm starve for power. If they're competent, they'll not often run out of power and have damage to show for it. ....unless iit's another support role. Some dps are button mashers with a bad loadout, a rainbow of augments, don't dodge attacks/stand still in enemy AOE attacks/attack when they're not supposed to/get KO'd and have to be picked up repeatedly, don't have trinkets, and can't be bothered to know that counter mechanics exist in the game.