Kick Me Sign - FAIL GFX

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by ItzLewDot781, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. ItzLewDot781 Active Player


    Not to sure if this was posted already. I have been playing DCUO for 2 years now and always wore the GunSlinger Style. I put a "Kick Me Sign" back piece on and GFX are glitched. Pretty sure DCUO GFX team have a lot on the teams plate with new content [DLC] and many other things. BUT!... Please... can this be fixed lol.... I would love to wear my GunSlinger and kick me sign together...!! I also have 4 alts that share the same problem with the gunslinger and the kick me sign together...

    -> ps. sorry if this is the wrong thread for this.
    [please fix =-D ] thank you dcuo staff team!
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  2. spack2k Steadfast Player

    2018 still not fixed :p
  3. AllanPage Committed Player

    Always been like that.
  4. JKwak Well-Known Player

    there are styles simliar to the GunSlinger style which work withe the Kick me sign