Justice Girls celebrates 9 years!

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Mermaid, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    You don't accidentally happen to be the Justice Girls because it all started on the Justice-Server of CoH, would you??

    Oh, and: Congratz!
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  2. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    The Justice Girls was an inspiration from our leader's daughter but maybe, maybe!
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  3. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    "maybe" answers when been asked usually indicate "yes, but please show your cards first" ;) I didn't start on Justice but spent most of my time in CoH there later ending up there with at least more than 20 toons. I organized costume themed Cimerora TFs during the shutdown weeks, DC themed or Marvel themed.... or Life of Brian themed :p Romanes eunt domus!
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  4. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    Can't really answer the question right because I wasn't part of the JG chapter in CoH, I wished I logged on during those final weeks!
  5. Zero4Webb New Player

    9 yrs is a long time... Congratulations Justice Girls!
  6. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I know quite a bit of JG members and I ran many contents with them.....congrats
  7. The Sanctifier New Player

    Misses Static

    Among 2 of my favorite JG's! :D
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  8. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    I know those gal pals are awesome!
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  9. Reaper501 Well-Known Player

    Congratz Justice Girls i hope you can keep together 60 more years so you can make the 69 :p, that was funny. 9 years is a long time so wish you the best in-game and out to all your members. Happy anniversary!!!
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