Justice Girls celebrates 9 years!

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Mermaid, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    The Justice Girls celebrated it's 9th year last July 7, 2014. Our roots go back to City of Heroes where it all started and was launched into many branches to several games over the years including DCUO, GW2, TOR, and CO. Too bad league halls aren't out yet but that'll be for next year's 10th anniversary!

    We held our celebration today and here are some pics to share!

    A collage that I made sharing my experiences with the JG's!

    A summary of today

    First in our own leader's base, Super Power's Metro Park

    Off to the park! It's not visible but each one us carried emblems that spelled "Justice Girls". Kitty Bird on top sported the 9

    9 years! Next years will be epic with League Halls!

    A reminiscent image to 2012's Supergirly event (below this) except there was much more attendance back then!

    Bringing the fun in the WT!

    Crime fighting never looked so good

    Thanks for viewing! Full Album link, click this--> <3
    Happy 9th Anniversary JUSTICE GIRLS!
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  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Congrats on all of the success. Keep it up:D
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  3. Mont New Player

    Cool, wtg

    But what is brances?
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  4. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    Ehumm idk! :D
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  5. Mont New Player

  6. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Party @ the Boss' Place

    Spelling Out "Justice Girls" (borrowed from Silver Age Heroes)

    9 Years!

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  7. Vyltran Loyal Player

    W00000000000t... congratulatiooons my dear Justice Girls!... expecting get to the decade and more!..

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  8. Mont New Player

    ya need music with that
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  9. Feenicks New Player

    Damn! Wished I knew. I would have shown up with one of my female alts to cheer you folks on. Maybe Spirit Feralle.

    Been way too focused testing the fire changes. Obssesion? Meet Feenicks.

    Looks like ya'll had serious fun. :)
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  10. Eternity's_Girl Committed Player

    Yay! I made it into a lot of the pics :D. Apparently I was standing next to you way to much :oops:, I swear I didn't do it on purpose.

    It was a lot of fun, a big HAPPY 9th to all the Girls.
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  11. DC-Doll New Player

    Way to go girls. That's wonderful. And awesome pics Mermaid!!! :D
    Do we get Justice Girls Gone Wild for year 10? :p
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  12. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    I'll post my screenies tomorrow morning. :) probably throw in a video too.
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  13. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Outtake on the "9" Formation
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  14. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    The boss base and the park photoshoots were league exclusive but the invasion of the WT wasn't! Totally forgot to invite our league alliances but next time we shall! Have fun testing!

    Who's your in-game character? :eek: I can't tell!

    Thanks!! Perhaps it will be! Inside our future hall that should be fully furnished then! :D
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  15. Mont New Player

    Been even better if they all started dancing
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  16. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Awesome guys, happy 9 year anniversary. 9 more years for good luck xD
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  17. Billy Sparks Committed Player

    gratz ladies keep up the good fight/
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  18. Zuse Loyal Player

    happy birthday
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  19. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    That would make them Justice Women. And Legal!o_O:eek:
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  20. Newsflash New Player

    Well done ladies.

    Start planning early for the big show next year: 10 Years :)