Just Roll With It... Unless You Can't

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Stamen, Jul 18, 2022.

  1. Stamen Dedicated Player

    As someone who occasionally heals, I can promise you everything goes smoother sometimes when you leave a man down.
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  2. Stamen Dedicated Player

    Well this double artifact week sure helped me get caught up. P)
    Pretty much just run on Flicker.... Stamen Jr does show up every once a bit though. I noticed I haven't friended you on Flicker, will do that tonight.
  3. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    Funny when we run eog as a league we communicate when a sc is up and stack biggun and other sc on each other like intended. Only scoreboard chasers hate on eog not team players? I hate the scoreboard and wish they didn't have it like final fantasy 14 and even bans third party apps cause the scoreboard is toxic to the game as a hole