Just Roll With It... Unless You Can't

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Stamen, Jul 18, 2022.

  1. Stamen Dedicated Player

    Just a friendly reminder for the scoreboard watchers.... you have to rez your burners, until you don't. Don't let your top DPS just lay there while you pad your numbers. Trust me when I say, that's not usually me. But I've seen way too many DPS lately chasing scoreboards and not rez'ing the guy beside them who has totally destroyed them in DPS for the encounter.

    Today, our top dps was 10 CR below anyone else in the match, including me. If you're checking the scoreboard, it shouldn't be to see where you fit in the mix. It's to check where your burn is so you know who to give the priority rez to. People today rez'd me three times but ignored the CR 159 in our group who was just burning through stuff at a much higher rate. You gotta roll with what is working and stop questioning that stuff.

    Sometimes higher CR folks are on alts with no skill pts, no augments, no artifacts, no real decent mods in their bases. They get in the cue and just wanna finish the match. Stop getting so CR focused that you wonder why someone 10 CR lower is putting up great numbers. Maybe they've unlocked the skill pts. Maybe they love the power set and spent 100 bucks on artifacts for it. Maybe they have fine tuned their speed hacks. OR MAYBE... usually even... they are just better. They picked a better power set and they know it. They are just simply better than everyone else at what they do. Love on these people and stop trying to out-do them.

    Roll with it. Rez them. Love on your burners. They're how you get through stuff quickly.

    But if you get a high DPS burner who can't dodge the easy tells, don't roll wtih that. It doesn't matter how much they can put up, if they are tagging an enemy who reflects to the group, they will drag down the team. Roll with it until you can't. But by all means, stop looking at the scoreboard to make that determination. Look at what they do.... or they can't do.

    This has been a public service announcement.
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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I don't understand scoreboard chasers. If they are checking the scoreboard, then they are not doing their job in helping to take down the baddies. I have been a victim of this myself in a PUG group, I got ko'd and was deliberately never revived. I wondered why they left me and at the end of the raid I saw that I was just a few points below the top dps. It was then I realized why I was left ko'd.

    I really don't understand people who do this. Are their egos so fragile that they MUST be at the top? Is it that they hate the thoughts of losing to a girl? We are all there for the same reason, to beat the mission. Teamwork should be the priority so that we all win together.
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  3. myandria Item Storage



    That is subjective and it depends upon the situation.

    If you are going for that PUG Life, then do not expect anyone to listen and/or anything to happen. If you are in a formed group, then the lower CR person should make their situation known (this is my alt I am trying to level up, unlock feats, ect) so the team will be aware and can help out.

    Otherwise, do not be surprised if your suggestion sees some pushback.
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  4. BumblingB I got better.

    bUt MaI dAmAgE bRo!
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  5. Stamen Dedicated Player

    Heh, I still remember meeting you in Vegas 8 years ago bro. Good times.
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  6. myandria Item Storage

    Well, from my experiences with that, if there are a lot of DPS in a group and there are only a couple of roles and those roles are doing their job, who is going to be revived first and more often? When I play a healer and I get KO'd, usually there are a couple of players trying to revive me while their DPS counterparts remain down. I usually try to pick them up myself after I am revived if I dont have mobs chasing me or the boss targeting me.

    Also, some scoreboard chasers are a bit petty and selfish (to put it nicely). It seems to me that they think it is a waste of a few seconds of no-damage dealing to pick someone up; however, I'll bet that they would scream and shout if no one picked them up.

    It is a good thing that there are no rewards/feats for scoreboard chasing; if it were, this game would be beyond broken and unbalanced.
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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, when I saw your name pop up in my friends list as online, I was like, oh, he returned?! Neat! :)

    How's it going? o/
  8. Solarbound Committed Player

    I've tried so hard to preach this same message upon our DCUO community. This game honestly has not been team-first since the days we were running with 2-2-2-2 set ups for raids. And, those days were beautiful. No one was really trying to outshine the other among DPS', we were actually trying to help each other. But, when FOS 2 came around and players started to figure out a secondary tank wasn't all that necessary, that slightly began to change DPS mindsets for the worst.

    I don't understand at all what's going on with this newer generation of DCUO players. It's as if they were completely raised wrong on how to properly play this game. We're playing among a community with an every man for himself type of mentality now and it always frustrates me when such players exude that type of behavior. And, I'll be honest, it's rubbed off onto me as well. That's all due to player egos you simply cannot stand to deal with.

    For example, you think these EOG spamming DPS' use that artifact to help the group? Nope. It's for the sole purpose of boosting their fragile egos, as EOG is a gimmicky artifact that makes some DPS' seem better than what they actually are. (Isn't it rumored to be nerfed soon? That should be fun.) Yet, when you're at a point or within a group that allows you to recognize that, you tend not to assist them in their personal agenda no matter the group benefit it provides.

    Yet, it's funny, because the other day in a random PUG run for VMF, I had to teach a group of such players a lesson on this. Long story short, I had a mishap early on that put me at a disadvantage, these clowns in the group disrespected me over it, and I simply warned them not to let me catch their damage. I happened to do just that surpassing them all, leaving them with nothing to say as I flipped the script questioning them on their efforts as we finished. I hated that it had to be that way, but it was the ego check they needed.

    Too much toxicity has flooded throughout to even really care about such a matter anymore. It seems we are too far gone to get the player base back to a much more team-oriented mindset, placing greater emphasis on group mechanics, as opposed to the "BURN! BURN! BURN!" mentality players of today are stuck in. Sadly, this may be a PSA they won't ever catch wind of -_-
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  9. MambaForever14 New Player

    I think it's okay to check the scoreboard. But only after encounters. If I'm dps, I like to check the scoreboard ever so often just to compare to see if I'm doing my job or not. I couldn't care less about top score. Just doing my part. If that makes sense.
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  10. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    I understand the rant and agree with you for the most part, but EoG as a selfish artifact? It's not even worth using if the squad isn't on board and fully supporting it. A healer needs to be leading the charge... and multiple dps' need to be stacking it in close proximity to each other. If that isn't happening... I can do better damage without and just take it off. Waste of a slot.

    I do doubt it will be nerfed too. People have been saying that forever.
  11. Solarbound Committed Player

    While all of what you're explaining there may be true of what it's intended for, Cyc, there are definitely plenty of players in the mix who carry themselves in such egotistical selfish fashion through its usage on the DPS side. I've come across countless arguments in raids among such DPS' using that artifact who would belittle other players because they weren't keeping up with the privilege EOG provides. And, the rebuttals would always be along the lines of "It's because you're spamming EOG! Stop acting like you're good!"

    Regardless of the benefit it provides, it's also one to have been frowned upon since the beginning of its existence having players who use it to be labeled as "damage thieves" or "try hards" due to the imbalance it creates among those who aren't using it. It's not that EOG is a selfish artifact per se, it's the toxic mentality of players driven behind it that's selfish. And, I used that as a core example as to why there's such an issue as the OP is addressing.
  12. Kreachure Committed Player

    competetive pve has always been really toxic in this game. Maybe they should finally do something with pvp to balance it out? dunno.
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  13. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    I blame it on all the people who stream their content. If they're not on top it makes them look bad. And then they'll lose all their subscribers and endorsement deal for Bang energy.
  14. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    as long as I'm pulling me weight.
  15. Jaden Law Well-Known Player

    Not always everytning about scoreboard chasing. Obviously will be very stupid move trying to rewive someone who was knocked by AoE and it still around him (hello Devastator's spores). Sometimes will be better just ignore fallen teammates and faster finish the instance than try to pick up 1 person and wipe whole group.
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  16. Magg Redd Well-Known Player

    I usually volunteer to play support and troll so besides witching power bars and debuffing, and crowd controlling.....and working cogs, I am also watching health bars and scanning the field for downed team-mates....I also pay attention to who is around them and what is going on. Sadly I have started to become a little petty. If you are halfway across the battlefield and standing steps away from a fallen comrade and don't stop pew pew pewing long enough to at least give a quick try to pick them up, when they fall, I just turn a blind eye and let them time out.

    I am sorry, anyone can say what they want, but if the run was all about you and your score then it would be a solo, but it is not, you are in the instance with one, three, or seven other people, it is a team event.
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  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Might be more accurate to say that some people making PvE competitive has been the toxic aspect. With no actual rewards coming from topping the scoreboard, there's really nothing inherently competitive about that part of the game.

    And yes, I know there are folks out there that get competitive among their friend group for friendly competitions and all that. I know it isn't all bad eggs in that group. :) But those people who get competitive and then can't handle a loss aren't helping the situation much.
  18. Mysticwarriormj Well-Known Player

    I only check the scoreboard after the dungeon run. I only really care if i am healing but i judge it mostly on how many times people go down because I don't know if its them or me.
  19. Requake Dedicated Player

    Play with premade and teach them?

    Do you genuinely think this will help one person?
  20. Stamen Dedicated Player

    They could start with Nature... heh, just saying. :)
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