Just read the Legion of Doom interview with Jackster and WOW smh

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheWrecker, Nov 2, 2021.

  1. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    You're arguing for your point on a conceptual level while ignoring the practicality and at the same time arguing the practicality of his point while ignoring the concept.

    Yes, it makes sense at the most basic surface level that a legion of doom member should work with the legion of doom. When you actually get a bit deeper in to the storyline, you realize it's about being for or against the ending of the multiverse and reality. If I remember correctly (someone correct me if I'm wrong), Lex isn't even for the ending of reality, he just misjudges Perpetua's endgame, overestimates his ability to control/contain her and has too much hubris to realize he might have miscalculated on those points. Yes, Lex, this time YOU GOT THE MATH WRONG! :p

    Of course it's ridiculously impractical to an absurd point to entertain the idea that Perpetua as a video game iteration of a fictional comic book character would control or end your real world videogame player/user experience. But, with current development time and resources and player expectations being what they are, it's almost as impractical to expect the devs to be able to produce two versions of new content and maintain the current level of both quantity and quality (whatever level you perceive that to be) when for quite a while now they've clearly only had the capacity to produce one version.
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  2. Brandon-richard Active Player

    Could it not be like The Titans episode were lex just tells the villains to play along with the heroes and promises the a part in the new world but they get betray by perpetua.
  3. Blight KOBRA Commander

    On this Mepps, I must respectfully disagree. The factions factor, hero and villains, in my own opinion has always been one of the features which has made DCUO such a unique and special experience for so many, myself included. Creating two completely separate experiences for players for playing as either hero and villain is one of the great features of the game and DCUO would be less without it.

    Now I do agree with the fact that doing that for EVERY new chapter added to the game would be above and beyond probably what you'd be able to deliver to the playerbase, and that's understandable, so it makes sense that future content added would be shared experiences between hero and villain players. But that doesn't mean the narrative of the new chapters needs to be the same as both heroes and villains. Nobody's asking you to make two separate DLCs, but the tone of the new story lines should make a little more sense considering the player's choice of faction. If you were to make new chapters based on DC comics stories where both heroes and villains worked side by and side and were both believable and plausible ("No Justice", hint, hint :rolleyes: ) that would be one thing, but taking out the duel rivalry aspect of the game with new chapters like this new one just feels awkward.

    One last caveat, while I can't speak for the rest of my fellow Legion of Doom members, I don't need to always torture and mutilate and kill and destroy, but if I'm going to have to go sightseeing in and around the Hall of Justice, personally, I'm going to be bringing a fair amount of explosives with me :D.
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  4. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player


    While making two seperate pieces of content for every new episode might not be a justified use of resources, OCCASIONALLY doing so shouldn't be too big of an ask.

    Heroes and villains joining forces should really be the exception and not the rule. But we get it. That said, in the comics it's the fool hero who gets too comfy around the villains, and things have been too comfy for far too long.
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  5. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Nothing apparently will change the fact that you keep presenting your personal opinion of a subjective matter as an indisputable fact.

    "You should be able to" is your feeling and opinion. It's not an objective fact.

    Knowing the difference between opinions/preferences and facts is useful.

    Stick to "this is what I'd like to see" or even "I feel we should be able to...."

    Plain "you should be able to" as indisputable fact is just a dishonest or confused claim, however. It's your opinion.
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  6. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Since you know what should and should not be too big of an ask, can you please give us the benefit of your knowledge by giving a breakdown of the costs of an episode, how many dev-hours are involved, and what the bottlenecks are, as well as what the specific costs are for doing two versions of instances?

    Thanks! I'm really looking forward to having an educated conversation with someone who possesses actual facts and isn't just pulling claims out of a body orifice!
  7. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I think the ask is...why not make the heroes do something they'd rather not on occasion? The villains are always tasked with putting aside their own personal interests and goals and doing what the heroes want. "Ooh, the world is ending." "Oooh, this is a rival mob boss".

    Make the heroes go undercover to infiltrate the Legon (like we did with the Titans), bust the faces of some cops, take out some "innocents" for the greater good or possibly even be duped by villains into morally dubious activity. The occasional bone for us villain-side only players would be nice, story-wise. The differentiated storylines early on were great and as time went on, they diminished and merged into "hero-lite" and "hero with a different hat" territory. I'd be happy to bounce some ideas off someone from the devs that create the various narratives for an episode, if they're stuck in the "heroes are the focus" paradigm. I'm sure SOMEthing could work.

    Wouldn't it be great if one of the final lines of dialogue in an episode is "What have we done?"
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  8. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    That could probably be made to work, though I think the devs would have to be careful to not have the heroes do irreparable damage to someone or something unless DC explicitly signed off on such a plot development. Despite Hal Jordan's arc, and the time Wonder Woman murdered Maxwell Lord, I suspect there are hard limits to how un-heroic DC wants to see any of its mainstream heroes shown as.

    But that might change at some point, for all I know.
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  9. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    All I want from The Legion of Doom is the guy who narrates the cartoon. The old school one.
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  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Ted Knight passed away in 1986 and Bill Woodson passed away in 2017.
  11. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Ahhh man :/ RIP :(
  12. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    But feel free to revisit:

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  13. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Lol awww thanks that helped.
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  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    It unfortunately is too big of an ask. While on the one hand they aren't a small company with just 5 employees producing all content, they also aren't a huge company that can produce what people are asking for while simultaneously giving it to us within a certain time frame. Just look at all of discontent last year with the long gap between episode 39 and episode 40. They can't afford to do that too often, which is what they would be risking for possibly little payoff.
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  15. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I'm not even looking for irreparable harm. Heck, they could make a two episode arc of "doing something bad" and the next one "fixing the damage they caused". Redemptive story arcs are all well-trod, narratively. Even some fairly slight dialogue differences could be enough at the end of the day. After the final raid, if its a hero instance, they've put things right because they did "plot point/deus ex machina". At the end of the villain version, after the villains have beaten the heroes in the fight...they still ultimately were bested by said "plot point/deus ex machina", but we got to kick a hero's face in for a while.

    This could also work in the inverse. Have the first episode end with the villains seemingly triumphant, narratively, but in the second, the status quo is returned. I've really been enjoying playing TD because a) its fun playing the "run from trash mobs" mini-game while going from objective to objective and b) we get to take Wonder Woman down a peg.
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  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    There are some missions where we do somewhat 'bad' stuff...like helping Sinestro restore Parallax, Busting out of prison in Prison Break or raiding Iceberg lounge to save Catwoman, but yeah, it's probably not in keeping with the characters IP to have Superman and Batman rob a bank or hold some innocent people hostage for profit. It works the other way because as long as it (in the end) benefits them, a villain has a more flexible 'code' of ethics...as in 'what's in it for me?'

    I do think a story arc where a good guy goes 'bad' either by mistake (duped) or under some influence would work....then a 2nd arc could correct the issue. OMAC Batman was out there at one point....although we fixed that issue pretty quickly. My gut tells me though if we got that it would be lackluster and pretty soft...so more of a let down than having not attempted it at all.
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  17. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    100% agree. Though i guess it shows how strong the villains are that the heroes need our help to defeat the other villains;) i miss the days of assaulting the police & pushing ppl off buildings. Its the little things like that that help. I wager our best bet is “the heroes got mind controlled by x enemy” again as the workaround for them committing crimes w us
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  18. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    The resources should serve the storytelling--not the other way around.
    There is a much larger risk in compromising the story in a game based on stories.
  19. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Any chance we can start having original storylines down the line instead of the copy pasted stories from the comic books?
  20. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    As much as I want more Villain exclusiveness when it comes to choices and content, there is one thing we must not forget, when it comes to Worldly threats, such as Darkseid, Trigon, Perpetua and Anti monitor, We have no place or the time to be choosy, the priority as a villain is not to be killed and the priority of a hero is not see the world burn, so with that said we meet each other half way to stop the World destroyers in their tracks so that we can continue being a hero/villain and so on. ;)
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