Just make all powers cosmetic

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by kingmasternova, Oct 14, 2019.

  1. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Every power should have a shield, a pet, tranforming, attack buff etc.
  2. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    But each power DOES have a shield :confused:
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  3. myandria Item Storage

    If I am not mistaken, doesn't every power have an attack buff as well? Some are just better than others I believe.
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  4. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Yes exactly the reason why i said to make all powers cosmetic.
    Quantum has a teleport, sorcery should to like Circe has a teleport.
    Atomic sort of have a teleport, fire could have a teleport like scorpion from Moral kombat.

    Ghost/Spirits, turrets, drone, fury, watcher are different looks each powers could & should have pets even Quantum should.
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  5. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    Ah, yeah I would never had guess that just reading both the title and the post LOL

    However, It would be interesting to see what they would do if they did add a teleport move for other powers, other power pets would be cool too. One can hope (thou seems very unlikely R.I.P.)
  6. Krossmark Level 30

    I'm sure this philosophy is why the iconic powers exists, yes? Why make all powers cosmetic when you essentially have access to a table of universal powers already? Why not just add to the table if you feel anything is missing?
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  7. Tainted0Love Well-Known Player

    but pets are PITA, always in the way.
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  8. Dene Devoted Player

    Agreed! Pets are the main reason I heal as elec not Sorc lol
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