Just because you're higher CR doesn't mean I should solo a duo.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Oct 4, 2018.

  1. High Troller Loyal Player

    You were irritated enough to post your concerns on the forum here. Your complaints are very common complaints to see here in the forum. Posting here does not improve anybody's playing condition.
  2. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    If you have a problem with my threads, please just ignore them and move on.
  3. Malachyte Devoted Player

    This happens quite frequently in the Stabilizer Event...which I don't care tbh as you can just blow right through it...but in a more advanced DUO where you would need the other person, I have had this before as well and I just leave and re-queue .

    Shouldn't have to, but unfortunately sometimes you just get paired with idiots...

    Another thing I have noticed in the Halloween event where one person would not do anything and let the other 3 do the event...that is annoying as all hell and you can't even kick them as you are always in combat
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  4. TheOriginalCirocband Active Player

    You should’ve wrote him and asked why he/she isn’t helping. Waited for them to reply, screenshot it and then put in a ticket reporting them for bad sportsmanship and not helping.
  5. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I asked. All he said I'm higher CR don't expect me to do anything.
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  6. TheOriginalCirocband Active Player

    That’s enough to report him for not helping.
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    Good luck with that sort of report, it's very difficult to prove the difference between someone purposefully not helping, something outside of their control affecting their ability to play or someone just being outright stupid.

    Short of a person admitting to griefing in chat this will never result in action unless the behavior was proven to be persistent.
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  8. Yaiba Committed Player

    If I was him, I will leave, I don't want to carry low cr player (alts) not new player. :)
  9. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I don't need to be carried. I need my partner to work with me.
    Silly comment.
  10. TheOriginalCirocband Active Player

    That’s why you need proof. I play on console so we can record up to the least 5-10 minutes or less I believe on game interaction. Also, screenshots of them pretty much admitting to not helping will get them reported. I’ve done it before so I know from experience. You just have to be very specific.

    For Example: Type in group chat or pm.....“Insert character name” why aren’t you helping me with this duo and leaving me to do everything by myself?”
    Wait for response
    Screenshot it
    Report it
  11. Yaiba Committed Player

    How do I know that? Based on my experience, most low cr players want to be carried :)

    And if you want partner then why not play with your leaguemates? ;)
  12. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Why do you care? my leaguemates are active at evenings, I have time to log in at the morning.
    I'm not allowed to pug all the sudden? I sure hope I will never end up in a instance with you with that attitude.
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  13. Yaiba Committed Player

    I rarely put players on my ignore list but you will be the first one :cool: :cool: :cool:
  14. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    You are aware you contribute nothing to this conversion? you just proved you have no sportsmanship spirit and all you care about is stick your nose up. You have a problem.
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  15. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    That's weird. I actually worry that I make runs too boring for the low CR people by one hitting everything and turning it into a facility tour, lol.
  16. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Going to jump in here and add my comment to what now appears to becoming a shouting match. I'm curious if you actually read Skyy's original post before forming YOUR opinion on the subject. A HIGH CR (C R 244) entered a duo that was low tier enough for her CR 137 to Q up for and join. So let's see we are probably talking about Demon's Pit or Wasteland Wonderland so at best the guy was a good 70 combat ratings over the content being relevant at all.

    You walk into content that low and then IN YOUR MIND you shouldn't have to carry your team mate? The content is designed for a player at that CR .... you are the one for lack of a better term intruding. Now before we get all huffy.. anyone that high in CR doing one of those missions is there to grab feats and has every right to be inside. But they do NOT have the right to just assume they don't need to do anything and expect the other guy to carry THEM. WHICH if you read Skyy's post is exactly what that clown was doing.

    Tell you what you don't want to carry other players then here's a big tip for you.. GET your feats done before you get that high and stay the hell out of the content and you won't have to. WHAT'S that? OHHHH there are missions that force you to go back again and again and again to complete a feat and you can't help but move past the relevancy mark? NO kidding like that hasn't been happening for years. I don't care what mission it was Skyy had just as much right to be in there as that clown that left her hanging.

    Let me guess your one of those jerks that joins stuff like the malfunction duo because you still need that one dang boss in the security section to complete the feat and IF if the wrong one emerges you leave.. and even if the RIGHT one emerges you leave after you get your feat because.. you could care less about completing the duo? I just love teaming with guys like you. and my ignore list is full of a pile of players with your attitude. You join a TEAM you help the TEAM.
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