1st: What is up with not Alphabetizing the list for Bases & League Halls teleporter Mod? That would be one of the best Christmas Gifts ever! 2nd: What is up in some of the base styles not allowing for item placement in the first hallway? Like the Cave Lair & Tech Lair? I completely understand not placing items on the walls because of the design...BUT THE FLOOR? Yes, you can sneak a couple things just into the entrances by sliding items from outside into them, but removing placement from the whole inner floor is just ANNOYING AS F! (Fudge—Yup Fudge is what I mean. You know because I’m allergic to fudge and it smells so good and I can't eat it type of thing...totally what I meant) 3rd: Just what is up with the lack of villain items for the bases. How about some large picture frames of the Mentors to slap on the wall? I love my Circe and would love to have that beautiful mistress of chaos in all her glory up on my walls. (((Maybe swinging on a dance pole or something equally sinister and sexy.))) That’s just a friendly suggestion, though I’m sure there are many others who would enjoy that as well. Or how about an awesome little Joker-Bot to run around the base with pistols flaring shooting everything up? Hell, we deal with that annoying Teekl who, and I can't be alone here, everyone wants to be able to kick into next week on his or her second or third attack. Other than the above-mentioned little annoyances, the game, for the most part, has been enjoyable with all the new content. Really can not thank you enough for the Vampire stuff.