Jokers real name in Justice League #50

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Telos Usr, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Its definitely not the third option anyway. If you run through all the Batfamily:

    Alfred- Bruce would notice if Joker was missing a hand too.
    Grayson- Returning to his Nightwing persona after Rebirth
    Damian- will be joining Jonathan Kent (jr) as Rebirths Robin and Superboy with their own comic
    Drake- will be trained by Batman and Batwoman in the new Detective comics alongside Spoiler and Cassandra
    Todd- Will be recruiting new "outlaws", namely Artemis and Bizarro.

    Wouldn't be any of the girls, and wouldnt be a direct relative of Bruce's (like his brother Thomas). Whoever hs is though, bruce definitely knew him. Havent seen bruce drawn to be taken-aback like that in a while when the Mobius Chair told him.
  2. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    I call bs on this, if Solid Snake didnt notice that BigBoss was missing a hand and had a horn then Bruce can be forgiven for not noticing a missing hand!:D
  3. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Won't be any worse than having us believe that Jerome was Joker, and not simply some psychotic **** with mommy-issues
  4. Saami Loyal Player

    Is this something that writers just thought of or something they knew longer? Aka part of bigger older picture.
    Im not really familiar with DC lore taht much. Always being more Marvel man.
  5. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    They've been hinting for a few years that Joker wasnt the original red hood. Then in Death of the Family batman basically cemented it by his inner monologue going over how he tested all the chemicals ACE had stored that year and how no mortal person could ever have survived a second in that Vat. Then at the end of that Story you find out Joker knows Batman is Bruce, but just doesnt care. But Bruce also tries to bluff Joker by stating he knows his name too, before Joker leaps off a cliffedge. The final nail struck during Endgame when it was revealed Gotham has an old legend of the "Pale Man", and ever picture of this horrific legend is identical to the Joker. Apparently he's been around for centuries, living that long thanks to the only Uncontaminated source of Lazarus Pit known as Dionesium.

    But we still never got his name.
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  6. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    I think that they should just go with the "Jack Napier" name, because imho it's the best thing that they've got that's already been used and they can just build from there. I know that there have been other aliases for him, but that's the one that people know the most from the movie and animated series. No reason that it couldn't just be made cannon now.