Jokers real name in Justice League #50

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Telos Usr, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    So according to the current writer of Justice League (before Rebirth ofc) we'll learn what Jokers real name/identity is near the end of issue 50 as one of "Geoff Johns famous reveals". This was stated during the recent DC All Access Rebirth Reveal show. We already knew "New God Batman" knew, but how does everyone feel about finally knowing who he is/was?
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  2. Dynagirl Committed Player

    I bet he ends up being a Wayne. A half brother born out of one of the parents' indiscretions and give away to protect the family name. The twist being that even the Joker doesn't know who he really is.
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  3. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Being honest I cant see them going that route. I could be wrong ofc, but its just too close to Thomas Wayne Jr, Bruces brother and main Talon. If I had to pick id love him to be a relation of one of his sidekicks.
  4. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    Why can't he just be a crazy guy? Why does every character need a destiny?
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  5. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Uh, destiny? A name doesnt give you a destiny
  6. Dynagirl Committed Player

    You mean that guy from the court of owls thing? I thought DC said he wasn't the real Thomas jr but some random orphan the court raised to believe he was a Wayne. The real Thomas Wayne Jr. died soon after birth when the Waynes got into a car accident or something to that effect. Hey, maybe some shenanigans at the hospital happened and while the Waynes were told he died but he was actually fine and grew up to be the Joker.:D
  7. OANGL Well-Known Player

    I thought we knew his name was jack
  8. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    I was referring to him being somehow connected to Batman. I mean destiny very broadly.

    Why do characters have to be explained? His name is Blahblah Whatever, everyone is shocked..oooooohhhh....ahhhhhhh....That's so-and-so, no wonder he became the Joker. Or wow he's that guy? I can't believe that guy is the Joker.

    He's the Joker. That's his name.
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  9. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    The only time he's been "Jack" was Jack Napier in Burtons non-canon Batman 89, Jack White in Moores non-canon Killing Joke and in Batman the Animated Series, which made the mistake of thinking Jack Napier was his real name and never mentioned it again in later episodes.

    Which one were you referring to?
  10. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    This wont take away from him being the Joker, it'll just add a new layer to explore. Thats just my opinion anyway.
  11. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I can understand where HideTheBodies is coming from, though. Best example of that I can think of is the Highlander films. First film told a nice story with some mystery as to the origins of the Immortals, but nothing that really screamed for it to be explained. The original felt like a complete story with no real need for follow-up.

    Then they tried to explain things in Highlander 2, the movie that proved there should have been only one. :confused: Whatever interest I had in anything Highlander-related outside of the original was buried with The Quickening.
  12. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Yeah but lets be fair, the highlander sequels were all just plain awful. The cheap tv series was better than the sequels, and thats saying a lot lol.

    Just to be clear, all theyre doing is naming him (apparently). Theyre not telling us who he was as a person nor blowing the lid off a full backstory. It'll be a Name followed by "To be Continued in Justice League 51". From Snyders Batman run we already know that Batman already returned to ACE Chemicals, got samples of the drugs and chemicals it had stored at the time, tested every single combination of them, and theres no way a human couldve survived a fall into any of those vats. Snyders already aluded to the idea that Joker was NEVER the guy who fell in ACE all those years ago, and he pretty much hammered the last nail in with the "Pale Man" and Dionesium entering the fray, so this name could possibly mean absolutely nothing to us as readers until its actually explored further in an arc.
  13. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    The Secret Origins of the Joker. This is fascinating.

    The gist of the video is that new found rare art from Bob Kane's "apprentice" Jerry Robinson (creator of Robin) strongly suggests that he also created the concept for the Clown prince, Joker. They go on to talk about how Jerry Robinson fought for Bill finger to get co-creator status for Batman as well as the Siegel & Shuster family for Superman. A long time crusader for comic artist rights, he would later help form art schools that produced many comic legends.

    Joker's real name should be Jerry.
  14. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I know, it's just hard to get over how much "...from the planet Zeist" ruined the Highlander franchise.

    I was working in a video store at the time Highlander 2 was released on home video so we'd get a certain number of free rentals per day, and in spite of warnings from friends I used one of my free rentals on The Quickening.

    Only movie I regret using a free rental on. :confused:
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  15. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Little easter egg nugget for ya too. You may know this one already but thought id mention it as its relevent to your post.

    At the start of Batman Arkham Knight, as "ive got you under my skin" plays, the camera pans over areas of the crematorium before you get to the shot of Joker on the bed. The manufacturer of the machine? Robinson.

  16. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Mine wasnt that bad but still bad.

    Place here used to rent movies by the name of Xtravision. A few years ago they did a promotion where if you rented 1 movie and signed up to a loyalty card thing, you rented a second film free. My second film choice was Terminator 3.... Suffice to say afterwards I accidentally broke the DVD in a fit of rage over the death of a great franchise. I still owed them the DVD, plus about 4yrs of late return fees, when they went into liquidation. Win win really. Im pretty sure they wouldnt have had the heart to charge me for not returning that lump of mess lol.
  17. Gimpy Loyal Player

    I thought it was Jack Nicholson.
  18. OANGL Well-Known Player

    I was meaning more on the lines of his red hood name because that was his apparent first name and his red hood days are canon.
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  19. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Right but Jokers never had a definitive origin story. Alan Moore tried giving him one but most of that story was retconned due to Batman killing him at the end. That was the aforementioned "Jack White", which certainly isnt canon. We've all just assumed that Joker was Red Hood because thats the tale he told. Snyders Batman run, which is 100% canon (at least until Rebirth anyway), told us he was never that guy due to the details of the Pale Man and his contact with Dionesium.
  20. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    I feel like they are going to go with the lost brother sent away story too. Either that or a completely new character because the third option is using an existing character (Like Alfred, a robin, etc.) and it would retroactively ruin a lot of stuff.