January Monthly reward....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ryll, Dec 31, 2024.

  1. Ryll Committed Player

    Is rng?
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  2. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    i dont think they have the resources to make a new unpopular style every month so now you get a recycled loot box.
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  3. Silvermaine New Player

    This change just made things worse. Before I could at least know what styles we were getting and check if one of my alts needed that style, now I have to open the box and hope one of the styles is useful for that toon.
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  4. Grip Committed Player

    Thank you for posting this comment. Alt-runners weren't properly considered as best I can tell. I was hoping the rando pieces to choose from would be account tradeable like the box, but part of me knew otherwise. It's too bad, and I hope there'll be some type of accommodation.

    Definitely not a pre-selected and labeled style. That said, I was offered the same pieces of gear in either role with a style uncollected on that toon. I'm interested in others' replies for a better sample size, but so far I'm hoping the boxes are character need-driven rng. Until I learn otherwise, I'll be opening them on a toon that's missing styles.
  5. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    They should have been. This whole thing reeks of people on the job doing the bare minimum. :(
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  6. Emoney Loyal Player

    This change is horrible. Before I could count on completing 2 styles (if I'm subbed for the month, otherwise one style) for an alt character that needs the style or feat. Now, at least judging by this first box, it's random. Why? Was putting up one or two styles every month taking up that much developer time?!? Then, on top of it, the 21 day reward is a time capsule? Really???? These two changes just made the sub perk meaningless. I get it, the 21 day style doesn't always please everyone. But even a silly style I don't like is better than a resurgence capsule that is only gonna give me junk. What is going on here????
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  7. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    I'm not a style maven beyond preferring a classic look. So many style sets are not appealing and I only get them for feats, usually not on my main because she has most of them already. I still haven't divvied up all the previous monthly sets and I have several day 21 rewards that I've never found suitable for any of my characters (I have 19 including bank toons). So the change would not be a big deal, and I'd probably save some replays.


    why in gds name are the items not ACCOUNT BOUND? I only dare open these crates on lower alts, in case the others already have the styles. I picked Exalted this time, but I could have got any of them with replay badges. I know people who have a lot of styles on all their characters so will just end up with a piece of gear that may or may not be useful.
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  8. Grim931 Committed Player

    They might not be able to with how they open. When you get the selection, they are attuned pieces that are the appropriate CR level for that character. They'd probably have to make boxes within the box for it to be account bound style items, so you could potentially see the style without making them have a CR yet.

    But yes, I agree that these should be account bound in some way.

    I also am indifferent on the 21 day reward. It might be more meaningful to more people this way. I know I only liked a few of the 21 day rewards, they were hit and miss most of the time. Most of the iconic styles were a hit. Stuff like the weird Kite-Man accessory, not so much. I wish they would have focused on other styles, like movement modes or something. A reverse speed force lightning trail would have been sick, for instance (or one that was able to be customized).

    Either way, I'm just hoping they don't let us down again with how optimistic that Producer's letter was. If these are the changes that need made to achieve the overall goal, then I'm fine with it. If they're doing it to cut corners like they've been doing, then I'm not going to support it.
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, I was hoping it would be a set selection of 4 or 5 styles, with the full set being available over the 21 days. As it appears, it's random pieces every time. Although I did notice a few NEW styles like Orray Guardian or Damaged Lantern and Ultimate...things I've never noticed in the 'normal' drop boxes. I opened a few of these boxes on alt accounts and they were NOT the same styles per box, so at the end of the month, you'll likely not have finished a full set on an alt...something you'd at least be able to do (free feat...weee!) seeing as 99% of active alts likely don't need the gear for CR's sake.

    It's amazing that no matter how bad it feels like something they add will be....it somehow can be worse once executed.
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  10. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Has anyone been able to verify if the choices are from styles the toon is missing, or is it completely random?
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Definitely NOT missing styles only. Also not even always different styles. In one alt account box for the boots, I got 2 boots of the same style, 1 for healer, 1 for DPS...both of which I already had. Out of the other 2, one I had already, 1 was new so I took that. Will I get 7 more of that set by the end of the month?
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  12. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I got four different styles, all of which I had. Another leaguemate got 2 different styles (duped for each role)...both of which she had. So...yeah. Seems pretty random.

    Now, without knowing WHICH styles exactly are in the box, it could very well be we both have all of them, since we've been around forever and a day. I doubt having a style plays into the drop rate, though. I'd be pleasantly surprised if it is.
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  13. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I was afraid of that. I guess I'll be giving the boxes to my Yellow Lantern, who has the least styles, just to keep them from being totally wasted. :/
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