It's time to re-think Catalyst Acquisition.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Alrighty Then, Feb 7, 2018.

  1. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    If you're leaving behind your partner(s) to deal with them, yes you are unequivocally a bad player. It's older content and you're supposedly more powerful than when the content was relevant to hard is it to kill a few NPCs??? The whole time argument is a load of bs and I won't accept that as valid. I run those catalyst duos and alerts and I don't see what all the hoopla is about taking a little bit of time to be a team player instead of a selfish oaf. I get that there aren't any real options for everlasting superhero games, but why play one in a MMO setting if you can't be bothered to play well with others??? That kind of mentality makes ZERO sense. At the least you can communicate your intentions to whomever you're partnered with and tell them to keep up.
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  2. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Get more seals. They're not expensive on the marketplace...and since they're tradeable, you can get them in the broker. As of last night, they were going for 500k...not an insurmountable amount.
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  3. Kestral Committed Player

    It'd be neat if they rotated the catalysts through the other alerts and Raids within the same Tier every so often. That'd probably be too much of a pain to program though.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    That works fine for legendary. What about a Premium player who buys a DLC or 2 to get some catalyst runs...not saying a lot would do it, but if you buy HoP1 over AF2 or WoL2 in part because it drops Concentrated Quantum, then then next day they move the cats to something else, that might be a bit of a pain. How about it's possible to hit a certain cat drop on multiple different runs? Might be tough to figure out the loot lock, but If you could get the same cat in Artifacts as you could L&W or TOTD it would mix it up and make it easier to queue.

  5. Dene Devoted Player

    I Think there's reasons for the choices.. maybe difficulty etc - but I think this is an awesome idea

    Some I think we will never see - e.g. the raven's brothers duos or BFE bottle duos may never get one - because they are walk ins.. which would negate an added bonus, I am assuming they are going for, which is that we do older stuff with others to increase usage
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  6. Kestral Committed Player

    I was pretty sure when these first came out they picked the instances that people played the least in order to improve que times and feat collection. While I would enjoy some variety every so often, I fully acknowledge that it would be a disaster for something like ToTD to be a catalyst run. So yeah difficulty of content is likely an issue as well.
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  7. Dene Devoted Player

    League-mate of mine asked, supposedly innocently, when DWF would have a catalyst.. My reaction was not pretty lol
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