Its time for a more realistic way to farm ally exp and Nth.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by appocolyps, Sep 10, 2024.

  1. appocolyps Committed Player

    Can the team please look at a better way to farm Nth and Ally exp? As a subscribed members it should not be taking 6+ months "plus" having to spend money on maketplace to level 1 artifact if you are lucky (using constant detectors already) or 1 legendary ally. These items need to be much more accessible to paying members, particulary now we are unable to get a 1:1 on 2x artifact exp and swap artifacts around. Not to mention the wasted ally exp on unused allys!

    Please review the system as there are so many available, im not saying hand it to us on a silver platter, but we should be able to get down and grind for a reasonable amount ingame somehow.

    To add it is currently far too overwhelming for returning players to get access to these items. I have many friends that give up because they cant get artifacts/allys without dropping 100s of ££ on them.

    Perhaps give a decent amount of ally favour and nth as an omnibus reward to any players that Q not in a full group (as it could be exploited by full groups spamming) this helps the community and will give people a reason to use your omnibus system throughout the day after dailys etc, it will make people play for longer periods and not just do omnibus once for weekly resets!

    Thumbs up for traction and any additional ideas would be great from the community!
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  2. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Your dream is going to come true. The direction of the game must be changed the leveling systems have made the player base far too casual and not sticky. The leveling systems must be changed everything from gear to skill tree artifact system and allies all must be relaunched. The player base does not feel much progression with these things for the time and cost. Meaning you are left with a player base that doesn't stick around
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  3. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Keep the good feedback up on this thread, surely the devs can have a good peaceful read here.
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  4. BlackGuns Level 30

    While I do love 2x artifact & ally weeks, perhaps what they're looking for is a way to make it more profitable. So here would be my suggestions:

    - Sell a new kind of Seal maybe for a Destiny Token that gives 100% xp return when putting 1 art into another, so this way people aren't losing 50% of their xp. Could also sell some kind of Token to allow ally transfer.
    - Could make ally favor detectors similar to nth metal detectors
    - If they really want to boost Membership sales, tie 2x nth metal & ally favor to membership, like maybe 2x weekends alternate between the two for members
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  5. Sollace Committed Player

    This studio prefers to see the game die rather than make it better for players and where their data wants to come back...

    The population is dying at high speed on the EU server, it’s a misery to find tanks or trolls and the managers do not really care, even the state of the game, just look at the audio channel problem that has been going on for months, it’s a hell for players, no rational studio would have left this kind of bug so long, not to mention lags!

    After returning to the main topic of this post, the only real thing to do is to make sure that allies and artifacts are naturally linked to accounts what I’m killing to say from the beginning and sell in the shop, a token allowing to upgrade max instead of the current system, clearly not profitable, for 80 € players can escape on another game! ;)
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  6. Korlick Loyal Player

    Be careful what yoy wish for. I remember lots of people asking for a way to unlock arts on alts even if it was a token in the MP. And we all know how that ended.

    The ally favor detector is a good idea.
    And having the 2xp arts tied to membership would be a good thing. But i think even if they do it this way it would still be rare and a surprise event.
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  7. appocolyps Committed Player

    I agree this would be better than nothing but i still think if the team are wanting to modernise and attract players, they need to linenup with modern mmos.

    All items should be accessible via a realistic and acievable method, at present barring long term players who have accumulated incredible amounts of exp, utilized the no longer available 2x exp or otherwise splashed an ungodly anount of money into arts, it is otherwise almost impossible to gain access to the high amount of artis/allys needed, be it for new/returning/none whale players that should be able to dump time into the game and gain these items particularly if they are paying members.

    Even more particularly if the devs are going to continue to support the artifact swap system.
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  8. DocFeelzGoodMan New Player

    I agree, the game has become way to grindy for such little pay off, especially when the story and bosses have become so lack luster. While we're talking about gameplay and game issues, would you guys like to talk about the Time Capsule and Resurgence Capsule issues? This will also heavily tie into membership issues in regards to the current state of the game.

    I mean, think about the cost of complete time capsule keys on the marketplace,,, they're about $1 to $1.50 (in that range). You need to unlock 15 to get .... a doll accessory (at best). That accessory doesn't offer and boosts or anything aside from a small visual addition... that's it. God forbid it's one of the ones that gives you a base a window... The only remotely worthwhile gift for opening them is a new ally that is (granted) unique to that capsule and theme .... that you have to slowly grind out to level up... The cost to get this ally? 25 capsules opened (thus 25 keys), which is about $25-37.50... for an ally that does one attack then leaves for an allotted cooldown period or maybe can give a relatively small boost...

    What other rewards do you get for opening these capsules? A piece of unique gear, a piece for a related collection (for a unique costume piece, skin, or hairstyle) (at best), some stuff to level up your ally (or at least a small fragment of what is necessary to), some stuff to level up your artifacts (also a relatively small amount), and an emblem. Oh wait, you have to choose between one of these or a small amount of additional quarks or marks. Oh, and there's RNG on what your options are.

    The only thing making either of these remotely tolerable is the loot choice system, which isn't enough to make up for how much you actually lose in either time or money to try to get anything that really feels worthwhile from either the Time or Resurgence Capsules. But, what about membership? surely you get an awesome bonus for paying $15 a month to about $150 a year for membership, like free access to Time Capsules (remember Promethium Lockboxes). Nah, you get 6 extra fragments when you run the daily grind for pieces of the keys for the capsules

    Considering all of this, it's also absurd that you get only one of each of the capsules included in the Resurgence Capsules , which cost 9 keys to open. The extra pay off? A material or skin that is rather basic or should have already been included with the base game content, like the glowing chroma (in the Green Lantern dlc). That's it. It doesn't even unlock across the account, just for the one character.

    With how grindy all of this has gotten and all the microtransactions, what you get for membership has been made miniscule in comparison. God forbid you try to play the game is a free or premium player, it's barely a game at that point, and you're missing out on so much (getting crumbs at best).

    I remember when the game actually was putting out content that had people hyped, like new powers. Instead, the game has prioritized quick money over actually delivering content worthy of the pay out they want. I mean, they're still running the game on an outdated engine and haven't updated the animations or their quality. The emote dances are laughably bad, for example. Can we please get this game back into what made it so exciting in the first place?
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  9. BlackGuns Level 30

    Good point. Wolfpacks were awesome for alts, even if it does cost an arm and a leg I'd still only buy them during a sale. Still wish there was some way to earn them in game, like Destiny Tokens. Perhaps something similar would be beneficial for allies:

    - Wolfpack Token equivalent for max rank allies. Ideally 3 different Tokens for each rarity at different costs & ideally purchasable in game. Like 1 Destiny Token to share a max rank rare blue ally to all alts, 2 for epic purple, and 3 for legendary gold.

    Arts & allies are insanely expensive, here's a reminder of the cost:

    - 1 rank 200 art: 1.68M Nth Metal XP & 1382 sm worth of catalysts plus seals

    - 1 rank 5 rare ally: 8.5k ally favor & 56 sm plus 20 sm to obtain
    - 1 rank 8 epic ally: 75.6k ally favor & 747 sm plus 100 sm to obtain
    - 1 rank 10 legendary ally: 299k ally favor & 4629 sm worth of alliance plus cost to obtain (25 TC or 500 sm)

    Without any sort of bonus it hurts & deters new players the most.
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  10. DocFeelzGoodMan New Player

    Honestly, that's not even enough, given all of the grindy content and little pay off. I say we should at least get to unlock Time Capsules for free, like we had with Promethium Lockboxes. The Resurgence Capsules should also have a reduced key cost (around 4 or 5, with it being 2 for members) and included more unlocked versions of the included Time Capsules (dropping as stacks of 10-15 each) with the loot drop automatically including one of the many skin or materials, bonus quarks (minimum 100), bonus marks (minimum 50-100), each resource for art leveling (green, blue, and purple) at stacks of 5 each, at least 50,000 ally favor, $100,000 cash (minimum), and a choice for another skin or (a low chance) another material.

    With all of the grindy content with such little pay off, this would at least make it feel somewhat acceptable. Otherwise, anything short is just a slap to the face from the devs.
  11. DocFeelzGoodMan New Player

    They're not awesome, if they cost an arm and a leg. They should be cheaper. You already did the grind and paid the additional costs to get it to 200 in the first place. Honestly, they should at least be free for members, as well. Again, you've already done the work, invested the time, and took the gamble on the breakthrough percentages.
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  12. DocFeelzGoodMan New Player

    Tell me about it, the pay off feels so miniscule for the level of effort you have to put in.
  13. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Once they made nth metal caches non-tradeable, I knew we were cooked.

    Best advice that I can give any new player now is to get 3 main arts to 120 initially, and then work on bumping them up, starting with trans card. Should be able to do almost all content with those, aside from Elite+.
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  14. appocolyps Committed Player

    Yeh that is the way to go, the main issue with that is i would guess that most people wouldnt want to commit to an mmo just to "complete" the content, the major hook with mmos is the chase, to be able to compete and experiment/enjoy the experince, stuck with 3 120 arts for too long aint going to keep you intrested and you will stop chasing then quit.
  15. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

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  16. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    You're most likely the king of spending money on dcuo :)
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    I don't disagree appo, but I'll say, there is a pro-tip to be had here... Stop chasing the ridiculous moving peak meta, they're monetizing it and they're monetizing players that chase it as a result.

    If people stop paying to chase it, you'll end up with better results.
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    dammit, I tried the number, doesn't work... back to the natural grind.

  19. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Okay, getting the silliness out of the way to start because I'm just tired enough that this was my first thought: "You're asking for something realistic in a game based on super powered folks running around in colorful tights who punch each other REALLY hard to solve their differences of opinion?" :D

    Now, with that out of the way, I have to ask this: how much of it is a problem with earning Nth Metal/Ally favor and how much of it is a problem with people deciding they need to have every Ally and Artifact that comes down the pipeline, regardless of whether or not they DO need it?

    Remember, the devs do put out a lot of Arts and Allies, so there's the potential of a near-constant drain on Nth Metal and Ally favor for those who decide they "gotta catch 'em all" or chase whatever meta is put out there as the must-have. So what happens to a player's supply of Metal and Favor if they DON'T get every single one?

    Speaking personally, I was able to get one of the more recent Artifacts that caught my attention up pretty high in level with little to no issue, and I'm going to have to spend some Favor soon before I max out, even after getting a bunch of Allies leveled up to where I wanted them a while ago. But I don't min/max, follow metas or anything along those lines.

    If a player wants them all, it's going to cost them either time or money, both for the impatient. If a player gets what they need? That could very well be a different story.
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  20. appocolyps Committed Player

    100% agree Proxy, i have stopped, i dont buy much ingame now, hence my realisation that its impossible to play at even a decent pace no matter how much time and grind im willing to put in because the system is realistcally unachievable without paying crazy money.

    With enough community input and support hopefully the team will sit up and and make some tweaks, i wont hold my breath however.
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