It would be nice if we could carry other players...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Minnion, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. Minx New Player

    Now that I think of it...I could use a piggy-back ride.
  2. Raeket Level 30

    Could use a carry by a flier past the trash in TD, way less wonky than superspeed
  3. Blakmeac New Player

    Just imagining two bulking bodies wearing the biggest gear carrying one another.
    Cool idea nonetheless.
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  4. Rumour Committed Player

    I'm for this feature, only if this song starts playing in the background. I'm surprised no one has suggested this. Shame on you all! :p

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  5. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    I'm picturing the smallest possible female carrying the largest possible Brute build...
    I'm just weird that way...
  6. Adell New Player

    Since we get to tie up Scarecrow after beating him, can I carry him away? <3
  7. cdicke2 Well-Known Player

    I think I'd get banned for posting anything the real Richard Pryor would say.
  8. Metafaze New Player

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  9. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Just to be able to grab someone and body slam them would be enough for me
  10. DaTruthBeTold New Player

    Haha had me for a sec there!