It would be nice if we could carry other players...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Minnion, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. Minnion Devoted Player

    And no I don't mean as in do the work for them... I mean litterally carry them, like this:
    Or this:
    Or this:

    You get the idea... I mean aside from the Batmobile it's one of the most iconic ways one can ride around and let players reach places that might not be easy to reach with their movement mode...
    Want to get somewhere fast? Ask a speedster to give you a piggyback ride.
    Want to get somewhere high? As for a lift from a flier or acrobat.

    Of course I would also want fall damage to become a factor if players can pluck each other off the ground...(Thus making scoping up an enemy and going straight up a viable combat move.)
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  2. Peach4saints Committed Player

    Superman could carry me all day,anyday..anywhere:oops:
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  3. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Now when I think about cool would that be! :D

    I for one, love this idea!

    There's this Pokemon move...because you said picking up the enemy, it's called seismic toss.

    In all, I love this idea and would be cool if that happened to this game.

    Have fun gaming. :3
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  4. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    I can imagine how my character would react: "You put your hands there one more time, and I'll cut them off".
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  5. X-zero Loyal Player

    Lazy Friend: I will help with the Mist Bounty but you have to carry me to it.
    Carrier: You lazy... ugh fine
    Lazy Friend: Oh going to get something to drink. AFK
    Carrier: Alright *Makes a detour and drops lazy friend in survival mode*
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  6. Tracmar Well-Known Player

    Yea, he just might feel like getting a bit warmed up and will carry you into the Sun ..
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  7. Peach4saints Committed Player

    -_- :p
  8. Ghostof91 New Player

    We do need more animation interactions with other toons whether in combat or the open world perhaps headlocks, pinching, grab, throw etc. there should be an option that should allow one to be attacked without engaging in pvp battle all the time like a random attack from anyone depending on how they have their options.
  9. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    Aquaman can carry me all day, anyday, everywhere!
  10. Deranya Dedicated Player

    I don't remember what game it was, but I made a guild mate do something similar :p I had to go afk and it was timed so I asked if he'd be able to carry me till I was back xD he did, I came back, speed run! wooo
  11. The Doctor Loyal Player

    I spent three hours flying Richard Prior over Smallville the other night, it was brutal. Needed to sober the guy up though. He was talking crazy about reprogramming weather satellites and building some computer in the Grand Canyon to beat up Superman...
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  12. Nitefelina New Player

    I can see it now in LFG

    "someone carry me from one side of Metro to the other? I saved a skill point and need to get there fast"
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  13. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    I just want to be able to pick up Titanic Trenton and throw him across the street!
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  14. Mad9 New Player

    He's busy. Get yourself a bus card.
  15. Mad9 New Player

    get yourself a cheap russian sub. Aquaman is not a sea taxi operator.
  16. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    -insert sexual water related pun here-
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  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i cant see my character doing all
  18. Tre Day New Player

    Oh yeah, I can see it now.

    Villains carrying other villains around like this...right into an open vat at Ace Chemicals...


    Actually, that would be fun to see. We need this like...yesterday. :p
  19. DeadlyMercenary New Player

    When u are on the back of aquaman roaming through the seas, u will surely see a lot of seaman.
    Idk I just Made it up.
  20. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Me and a league-mate were discussing this the other day. We think it would be awesome if we could save falling citizens by swooping in and catching them as opposed to just talking to the suicidal ones.
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