Issues with playstation controllers...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by COMBATICUS, Apr 27, 2021.

  1. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Hello everyone , so I'm gonna mention a few things, with one main issue that's been bothering me for the longest time. I've made a post about 2 or 3 years ago and about 3 or 5 green names answered and acknowledged the issue/s and said that they were working on it.

    So my number 1 issue is when you get K.O.'d and someone gets you, and you get back up but your character is doing 50 other things rather than doing what your trying to do. This isnt THAT much of an issue in open world or regular alerts/raids. So what happens is, your character starts rolling or you hear that chirp sound and no abilities can be cast until you either block a few times or go in your inventory or a combination of both. This is an issue in elite runs, which I have stopped doing them just because of this awful experience. Last I heard in my old post that you guys where working on it or at least finally were able to replicate the issue and acknowledged it.

    So my question is, is there any info or any type of news that you guys might fix this, or when you guys work on ps5 is this issue will go away? I mean sometimes even as healer, you get back up and need to heal almost right away and you cant, cuz I'm crippled by this issue, or your a tank and need to pull ads but your too busy going into your inventory to make this go away. For those on PC and other systems I've heard have no such issue, just on playstation.

    This might be a little off topic, but can you guys utilize the playstation controller's speakers? For example if your rage and when you activate severe punishment, can you guys make the heart beat sound come out of the speaker of the controller, it would be really cool, I know there are 100s of issues that needs to be addressed but when you guys do the ps5 upgrade I hope you guys utilize that.

    And my last but not least issue that I'd like to see addressed , is some of the OP pieces that are in older content. Can we make it more obtainable, for example some op pieces require you to get certain collections from raids/alerts so you can unlock the catalysts to upgrade the device to unlock it. I'm disappointed to say there are few that I can not seem to get, it just wont drop. And broker lmao yea, unless I empty my wallet and pay billions to just get ONE catalyst is just ridiculous. If the dlc is old and theres couple new dlcs that are out the item itself besides the feat is basically irrelevant I cant use that gear anymore. So please make those collections available through source Mark's or something from their dlc vendors for us to purchase.

    I dont think it's fair that RnG is still being so stingy after all this time have past. I mean just last year I got the OP head from Prime!!! And I been doing that raid 1x a week every week since it was available. I think that's a bit ridiculous. I'm not saying to hand us everything on a silver plate, but give us some light at the end of the tunnel. I know ppl who ran that raid 1x and gotten it and never logged back in again, yet I'm here farming, grinding, reset some times and still get nothing is just not that fair. So I hope something is being done about that. By the way this shouldnt be for NEW OP items just old ones that are hard to get because of RnG.

    Sorry if this isnt the right place to post this, I havent posted in awhile, and I hope a green name is able to see this and reply with some info regarding this. Thank you in advance