Alright ill try to just cut to the chase since it's a pretty straight forward thing. Normally when i delete an item whether it be gear or styles from vault or duos, why does it still say "NOT COLLECTED" when i hit the restore button? Is this intended to get us to make a mistake and then come here and complain or is it a legitimate bug that needs to be looked at. Had few friends accidentally hit the restore because they thought they deleted something before and since it said "NOT COLLECTED" they went ahead and got the item just so they would realize it's already been collected. Today I almost restored an item but I made sure I checked my style tab first, but hope this gets looked at, I didn't find the thread in the arkham section so I made this here first just to be sure me and few others aren't the only ones. Thank you for your time
That's weird just because I don't care about the free monthly restore I wasted it on a piece of old 86 pvp gear I recently deleted. It is a bug I'm sure it says "not collected" on both styles and gear but not collections... I'd post it along with screenshots in arkham nice catch com lol
Thabks lol, I've actually noticed this ever since it was added just never saw a post or anythin till few of my buddies that gotten back to check on dc decided to check the feature and went on a restore spree well not spree but restored 3 items that were already collected lol.
Good to know thanks. I didn't see it maybe my phone doesn't display everythin but never saw it but doesn't hurt to post and let others know who aren't aware but thanks for letting me know I'll check thw tracker again