is this game still playable??? Returning player

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FuegoKiller, Mar 16, 2017.

  1. FuegoKiller Well-Known Player

    Thanks for all the feedback everyone!! Gonna be getting my feet back into the water tonight!!!
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  2. light FX Steadfast Player

    So i wanna make sure i understand what you're saying here. Ya say an episode or event every 3-4 months but then say episodes are not quarterly which the way i understand that is we wont be getting b2b episodes. Cause if we did that quarterly. Right? If thats correct then i see that as confirmation on getting 2 episodes a year going forward. Im really concerned about this. Because events are not the same as episode so i view it as we end up with less content annually. Am i wrong?
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  3. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Besides Elec and nature having just bad damage and Ams, Quantum is next up in line. Unless theres some secret stuff going on to get around the cap, then I'll stay out of it. I get it, but its up next.
  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    which IMO lowers the value again of legendary IMO as we lose out on massive amount of content we gain access to.
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  5. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    preload and i can still get constant 120+ crits easy. I've been asking around. Trying to get all my quantum buddies online same time so we can post a video running OLY or GOM in an extremely fast time with just quantum DPS and troll. I even hybrid my quantum troll while maintaining debuffs and power efficiently and in a 10 minute raid can easily drop 2-3 mil trolling.
  6. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

  7. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    And my quantum only has 13,900 might. I'm synthetic modded at 189CR 298sp but my generator mods go to my troll for prec which has 3700+ prec with about 8700 vit
  8. Ringz Dedicated Player

    If its possible and your able to put in work vs the other powers then thats great. I just wish it was the same for elec. Dps wise you only need 265 sp to get everything dps related, unless theres some glitch where say speccing into vit gives you a hidden X% extra crit/dmg.
  9. SkullGang Devoted Player

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  10. spack2k Steadfast Player

  11. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    Yeah, quantum isn't in the same universe as electric and nature. Other than the cap the thing that hurts quantum is that it doesn't have a shortcut and a lot of add content is dead before time bomb goes off.

    It's more scoreboard broken than actual broken.
  12. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Not playable, I would say tolerable especially if your into pvp or role playing.
  13. Unida Dedicated Player

    it's playable, but there are issues and bugs all over the place, so that likely hasnt changed.

    currently we're looking at 8-9 months between actual episodes. so if you are into repetitive events and time capsules within time capsules (and one day, we hope, within time capsules) then oh boy, you're gonna have a ball :)

    also as others have said, if you love pvp - sorry.
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  14. Unida Dedicated Player

    yup, thats basically it

    since they started somehow calling events 'large content' and then (also) somehow weaved 'large content' releases into the episode/DLC discussion we currently have a much worse scenario content than what was initially suggested when we moved back to 'regular' releases.

    It seems at this point we'll get:
    2 actual legit DLC/episodes per year
    2-4 large content events which is apparently a GREAT substitute for DLCs (said nobody ever)
    as many TC/RNG based spend content as feasibly possible sprinkled along the top.

    If you supported this game for the story, the content, the new stories etc - you're probably looking at a couple of peak playing times per year, then not much inbetween tbh.
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  15. Korlick Loyal Player

    But being Legendary you get exclusive perks from those events...

  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    not enough especially when that something is based on randomness much like the beloved time capsules are.
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  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    Oh i knew it was coming. Ive been saying on discord to my league we were going down to 2 episodes a year since december. I just see his comments as finally confirming that. I also see it as an end game player keeping up with new content, like i am and a whole bunch of others are, that we are clamped 50% of the time each year because of seasonals and these new events. 2 episodes means about 6 months worth of content where u arent clamped. The other 6 months u are. Because of this im really confused as to why we need a stat revamp.

    Also if u can finish each dlc in 2 months time because of double marks, lucky drops, and replays then its only 4 months out of the year, not 6. Imo whats on live should just stay. I dont think its worth changing the entire game around for a few months of content per year where our stats matter. Im very surprised more people havent said something about this. Maybe they cant see it, idk. Imo way too many people blindly accept stuff and never ask questions. I feel like some sort of explanation is due here. But im sure that wont happen. But it tells me i will drop my sub for these events. Idc about the rewards because being subbed isnt getting u even half the rewards. I will log on and run em to get some gear to make sure i have the cr to get in the next episode and sub for the episode.

    I find it all strange cause these changes arent getting me to stay subbed year round or spend even more money. Its making me spend less and sub less. And i know many other players that feel the same way. I guess if too many people start doing what i described they will change things and say ya gotta be subbed for the event to get any gear at all. I bet thats coming ;)
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  18. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    This is the best and most reasonable anwser on this page thank you. I was thinking of coming back as well but I still need to hold off it seems
  19. bmce84 Loyal Player

    They don't really care for our opinion as long as people keep paying for the many scams they have running, Episodes aren't large enough to last 6 months and they know it, clamped content shouldn't be counted as content if the gear you got in the current episode is crap in it, even more when you get high level gear in that content that means nothing because it's the same level as the Episode gear. They don't and wont listen to us about the scam capsules because they are making them money, same as making events replay farms (given if Starro allows continued replay of everything and not just raids then I will take that back, but if they pull another anniversary event scam then it's just more evidence), and Episodes will be smaller considering they are meant to last 6 months (because yeah that whole "ready when it's ready" it's such a bad excuse when they can just say the new model is 2 episodes a year, we are never getting 3 episodes in a year ever again) by having grind artificially added with ridiculous requirements for gear and mods, which take you right about the same time it takes the next episode to come out, so much for having time to enjoy our gear.

    If you really want to come back best advice I can give you is don't get a sub at all, just because we're getting some extra content in the next event doesn't mean they'll continue to do it, All Access just means wasted money to them since it means players don't need to buy as many stabilizer keys as the rest, not to mention the Lockboxes which they wish to take out of the game. And events are open to everyone so again you can get by with only doing events and forgetting about the grind fest Episodes will become, not to mention gear will always drop at your level even if the content is clamped.

    Oh and with stats matters you will need the items inside the capsules so don't believe anyone that says otherwise (here's a hint if those items weren't needed they wouldn't give you CR, SP and help your power), so if you stick around long enough to see stats matters then better have a very deep wallet and start saving capsules or just buy them from the broker.

    If you like alts....I feel very bad for you because the only way to run them without going bankrupt is the events as episodes are too grind heavy to allow alts.
    One last thing, if you do decide to read up on stats matters better read Update 1.3, because everything before that doesn't matter since it didn't have the 3 new AM systems (yes they are just the same as AM).
    The game is playable right now if you had a toon at T7 at least, and din't do any PVP. If you can take a couple of days then you have a chance, if not and find things not to your liking then just leave before you hate it too much to give it another go after stats matters since it will be like a new game, given pay to win in every corner but with enough money you'll be fine.
  20. bmce84 Loyal Player

    It's not that we don't ask questions, it's why even bother anymore if we know the answer will just be more BS and in the end if it makes them money (as the anniversary and scam capsules probably did) they wont care anyway. And honestly why even have a sub if events will be free and have end game gear just like episodes, what's the point of those. Remember when Nerd said they where working of a better progression system, well if this is it then why run episodes of have subs if you can level up with capsule gear and free events which don't even require you to be level 30.