is the world still down for everyone?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DeadSteel, Oct 14, 2016.

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  1. Acesia Well-Known Player


    In case you missed the memo
  2. DeadSteel Active Player

  3. Dwild50 Well-Known Player

    And the hilarious part is, after an hour and a half they refer to this as a POTENTIAL ISSUE. :confused:
  4. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    Strange, seeing as maintenance was yesterday.
  5. VV Dedicated Player

    Who screenshots a text message? :p
  6. Dwild50 Well-Known Player

    Apologizing for the sarcasm. I'm retired and can play pretty much any time. The one time I am limited in re: playing time (aside from real life interruptions) is on Friday mornings, when I have to log off at 9 AM. So I'm really only missing a bit of play time as compared to the rest of our friends. Still, once one becomes used to a routine, the breaking of that routine flips the "annoyance switch." Please forgive a cranky old man.
  7. Acesia Well-Known Player

    people who enjoy screenshotting
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  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We are working on the issue with US PS/PC.
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  9. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    awesome an assumption or estimation of when yall will have it up was looking forward to going out and collecting more exobites
  10. Alister Omega New Player

    Still Down, I guess i'll make a second breakfast and check back. Are they getting longer? 45 minutes x 30 days / by 60 = 22 and a 1/2 hours of waiting time, things like this only adds to it unfortunately. But they are back up now. by the time i wrote this- Alister
  11. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    IM in now
    • Like x 2
  12. Karma9mm New Player

    2 Toon enter 1 Toon leave
    I say we have a Purge Battle with all you complainers
    1 vs 1
    if you lose,you will be PURGED from DCUO never to return
    You must then wander thru the gaming Universe cleaning up the crap that POKÉMON players leave,
    So that one day you will be able to move out of your parents basement
  13. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    its up for me.
  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Logins should be working now. Sorry for the delay.
    • Like x 3
  15. DeadSteel Active Player

    Thank you kindly Mepps
  16. VV Dedicated Player

    *checks who liked that post*
    *cries internally for help*
  17. Acesia Well-Known Player

    You got beef with Butters? o_O
  18. Butterfly Boy Committed Player

    Is it even possible to have beef with me? I guess butter beef would taste okay [IMG]
  19. Acesia Well-Known Player

    Honestly, you can find a way to put butter on anything.
  20. Butterfly Boy Committed Player

    Then I guess he has beef with me =D
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