is the world still down for everyone?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DeadSteel, Oct 14, 2016.

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  1. DeadSteel Active Player

    Because it is for me and it 830 est
  2. Augusto Cesar New Player

    I think today is the 4 hour update but its the 14th not the 13th as mepps said well this is what im thinking anyway
  3. Dwild50 Well-Known Player

    Yep...over an hour and a half now
  4. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Ok so it's not only me then
  5. Noble One Committed Player

    same. was bout to make a thread on this since the restarts usually only take 20 mins at most. if they need to be longer they say something but im just sitting at the connecting screen atm.
  6. DeadSteel Active Player

    They did this yesterday too this really sucks this is my only time to play
  7. DeadSteel Active Player

    Thing is I don't see any posts or a ticker saying the world is down or will be down
  8. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    any know the reason?
  9. DeadSteel Active Player

    Only the devs everything else is speculation
  10. wizex New Player

  11. wizex New Player

    for me still world down why? the restart is in 13 not 14
  12. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Normally they have that notice on the front page if it is a scheduled downtime
    Just checked the Launcher, and it went from "Low" status to "Locked"
  13. Lady Luc New Player

    Status: 10/14/2016 5:55 PDT - We are currently investigating a potential issue with server: US PC/PS
  14. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Source: Forum's main page.
  15. JustinSiaPogi Active Player

    So am I :confused: Cant play yet.. Is there an another general maintenance? Quite Confused :confused:
  16. DeadSteel Active Player

    Only took them an hour to post that lol great job day break
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  17. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    So it took an hour to realize we could not log in?
  18. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    That wasn't there a couple minutes ago

    Well, some people were able to get in, maybe they hadn't realised that others couldn't
  19. JustinSiaPogi Active Player

    Oh :(
  20. Dwild50 Well-Known Player

    And the sun was due to rise at its normal time but for some strange reason it remained dark. So we sat and played solitaire to pass the time. And it still remained dark. And after an hour and a half, Joe, my friend, looked about and with an odd look upon his face asked "Wasn't the sun supposed to come up already?" And then Daybreak murmured ... "Hmmm..."
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