Is the world down?

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Legion_of_One, Dec 26, 2016.

  1. Legion_of_One Well-Known Player

    Just experienced a huge lag spike, followed by a game freeze. I couldn't access the DCUO forums right away, and I just got some kind of authentication error trying to log in via Daybreak. Launcher is down.
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  2. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    My launchapd isn't letting me log in. Web detector says the game is up, tho.
  3. MrAwesome New Player

    Having the same issue.
  4. Phen0menal Active Player

    same here my entire raid group dcd during doomsday fight
  5. War Active Player

    same issue here too
  6. LethalAngel New Player

    My bf is back in on his PS4, but I still can't get the launcher to behave on my PC.. Blah!
  7. Incredible Level 30

    PC loading up now
  8. NotHappy Active Player

    yep its down for me.. for around 30 minutes now. Website says the server is up. So its up but we can't log in ? hehe