is it time for tanks and healers to get some sort of AM?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by COMBATICUS, Apr 19, 2015.

  1. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Here me out for a sec. I been running T5 raids all the way to the new dlc, and lately it seems ppl are just running with one troll. Now I get it almost a full T6 cr 115 with dps having its power back AMs make it somewhat easier to troll it seems.

    But what I have noticed is that when I tank the trolls are just dpsin while debuffing once in a blue and throwing nothing but POT. I've notice my power bar as a tank is always 20%full and only time it'll fill up if I drink sodas ( which I do to help trolls out) but when ur in ToD or a raid with a lot of stuns and BB, for u to worry about popping a soda in time. And trolls don't seem to care because most of their times they are trying to dps or worrying about keeping up with the 3rd or 4th dps then anything else.

    So while I don't have much to back up my idea, I'm at work and have little time to type about this, but I was thinking, for instance if a rage tank manages to cancel the rage crash or even mitigate it there might be small power back for him, or when ice tanks time their rotation with their shields they get a slight power back as well, something along these lines.

    It just gets me, when i see only one troll in a raid and their bot even doing their job, and since dps don't really care because thwy using AM s, POT is more than enough for them. So what about the healers or tanks who get yelled at or get blamed for stuff when there's no power? I know this thread is sounding more of a complain about trolls. But it would be nice if support roles mainly tank and healers get some sort of love, some sort of power back but has to be implemented in a way, like I explained, if a rage tank manages to cancel his rage crash he's able to get some sort of powerback.

    Feel free to add ur 2 cents, feel free to add anything that might help or even make things better without it being game breaking
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  2. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    So what your saying is....give mechanic that eliminates another job for a controller... Controllers barely do anything as it is now. Throw pot...recharge.. debuff...and pick ups.

    We should not be giving more options to give a need for a solo troll. We should look down on solo trolling. Bring back the need for 2 trollers.
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  3. Biester New Player

    A week or so ago I would have highly disagreed with this. Seeing as how support roles in general have been neglected since the birth of DCUO (minor updates every blue moon) then I am in favor of anything positive happening to support roles. A support role revamp is long overdue, or would that get in the way of all of the dps revamps going on atm?
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  4. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    I really don't see the issue with support roles "needing power back". I play both tank and healer. I never have power issues. That's just me though..I'm an old player that comes from a era where I had to manage my power. Learn when it was appropriate to heal and not. Not this "new healing" of spamming your single heal over and over again, and calling yourself a "good healer"
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  5. Biester New Player

    Maybe controllers should receive another mechanic for controlling then. The controller role has been kinda broken for a while now. I say give the healers and tanks an am as the op suggested and give controllers some new mechanic to work with, something that doesn't necessarily involve feeding power.
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  6. Juxes Committed Player

    I would love this if only they totally revamp the controller role so they won't be rendered useless in future raids.

    Solo trolls are becoming the norm cause everyone has a power back mechanic, including nature bug form so they really isn't a use for 2 trolls now, which sucks.
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  7. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    First of all I said a slight power back never said to eliminate the trolls. Secondary the trolls seems to elimate themselves as it is by not doin their jobs so please read what I'm trying to say before assuming that trolls are not needed
  8. MrB Dedicated Player

    Haha you got some ****** trolls. Seriously why do people trow only pot? There is a reason insta power is right there.

    I do think tanks should get a power back on pulls. It would make their life much easier.

    Also yes to this. Give trolls group debuffs, healers should have some sort of a safety net like electric but different.
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  9. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    @biester. Maybe. But something should change because almost every group you go into, there is only a solo troll, and as a fire dps, I can get power hungry with WM.
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  10. KDICHU Well-Known Player

    Im not reading this thread im responding to the Title as a healer. No Trolls would b useless so NO
  11. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    That's the thing it might not be u or some other players but I do come Across some grps that only has one troll who barely does anything as a cr 115 with over 150sp. I'm not trying to elimate the trolls at all. Maybe give the trolls a slight revamp, something new and give the rest of thw support roles some sort of a powerback mechanism. It doesn't have to be to a point where trolls aren't needed but just a lil power will help.

    Again I been in raids where my power bar as a tank and healers are always sayin wth is going on with trolls and most their responses are well dps have ams so I dont need to dump power. Well tanks don't have ams and even not necessarily need wm even though I have it and try to help the trolls out as well by using as lil power so I won't be drained. But when a troll is soloing with a full power bar and doesn't seem to need to dump power and is dps instead then somethin has to happen. I'm glad ur not having a bad experience or any trouble but I highly doubt others having the same experience
  12. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Then ur response don't mean jack either my thread before assuming that I said no trolls are needed. Again I never ever once mentioned we don't need trolls. I explained what it had to and of u fail to read or take the time to read my thread, then I'll simply ignore ur response as well
  13. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    Blame the other controllers that were crying about power usage in this game.
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  14. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Did you even read GU47 notes. Tanks are going to have a slightly larger power pool and slight power cost reduction.

    Giving us power back mechanics would destroy the controller role as everyone would be able to rely on soders for power, eliminating the controller role completely unless they came up with new ways to involve the controller in content.

    As a healer who mostly solo heals or dps. I vote no for this until devs can get good working game mechanics for raids and alerts. If and only If game mechanics in this game improve drastically will I promote this idea.
  15. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    I guess so lol...I'm just saying as a solo troll in a grp with cr 115 and over 150sp shouldn't be just dpsin and not giving any power. I've seen healers and tanks, myself included complain to the trolls telling them to give a lil more power. But either they get mad and pi$$y and leave or think ur hating on them. When there's adds popping from every door, ur forced to do multiple pulls and that drains power fast. Specially when u pull trolls stun the adds then u wait and pull again and trolls fail to give powerback. I'm really bot trying to discourage no troll runs if anythin I want more trolls in the grp 2 to be exact lol and encourage more ppl to run with 2 trolls. I have seen really good solo trolls don't get me wrong but there's always a solo troll who thinks he's good if he just pots, dps and occasionally devuffs
  16. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    Yeap..Though I'm not one of the ignorant people who expect a troll to solo. Two are always needed to me. Even with AM, only quantum gets almost a full refund. IDC who you are. No troll can properly solo. Meaning dump power, stun adds, debuff...It also has something to do with my main is sorcery :D. I'll never put a raid together with one troll/
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  17. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Yes I have read the GU 47 and frankly until it's live I have my doubts about that. Again I'm not trying to eliminate trolls, do ppl read anymore?? I want to encourage more trolls in grp, 2 to be exact. I'm not saying we don't need trolls and give tanks ams which will eliminate trolls. Maybe give trolls some sort of a new mechanism some sort of a revamp while healers and tank get a lil am powerback. Or do something to encourage more trolls. Again I'm not voting to eliminate trolls, just to make em better or encourage 2 troll runs. Or something, anything is better than the crap solo trolls that dps and pots only, and their response is "well all dps are ams so I dont need to dump power" and healers don't need to heal as much because we got supply drops and sidekicks
  18. KDICHU Well-Known Player

    well I did read after and I posted and ihear u and you just have crappy trolls and u might use to much power don't take offence sir, and im a healer Electric I give power to the group use a cola don't cry cause u cant do YOUR job this is a BAD IDEA simply bad
  19. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Doesn't seem u read lol. And it's funny how the response from wack players such as urself is, drink soda, even though I stated I pop colas and supply drops to help trolls. My job is well done, I do my best, while I'm not elite or the best in dcuo, but I know when i see a issue such the 1 I stated. If u disagree fine that's ur opinion u can have it just like I have mine which seems some do agree while others don't seem to read and just disagree and always quick with a response such the 1 u gave which is stupid if I may add.

    " ur a bad player" " do ur job" "maybe u suck" lol all but childish responses.u haven't ran with me, how u so quick to judge some1 about how they are instead of trying to figure what can be done, contribute, something. Make some sort of statement that might help me and others, instead of just flat out calling me bad and I need to pop sodas lol...even though I stated I do and use supply drops, since u said u "read" my post lol
  20. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    Long Overdue.

    Support Roles are dying in this game.

    If Defense was high enough, If Soders had no cooldown, an everyone had a Power return AM. There would be no support. The game is on the borderline of this.