We should just schedule this weekly. It certainly occurs that often now. I know these attacks are difficult to guard against, but there is also very little being done by the company to make loyal customers feel like that loyalty is appreciated through these attacks.
I really think the connection issues need to be addressed before the cross platform goes active. It will be a quick chase away for possible new members. I fully understand some things cannot be fixed...but measures can be taken to prevent it. Not that this time it's the ddos or anything. I'm just starting to feel that this connect/not connect is getting old fast and happens far to frequently.
I try to like this game. I spend money on it and I really really try to enjoy 14.99$ worth of fun on my weekends off. This is the **** I deal with though. I'm sure its the same for a lot of you, who only get certain days a week to play. Not even a warning. Not even a post to let us know if it was them or not. SMH