Is it bad to help strangers get feats?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Giga Vamm, Apr 25, 2018.

  1. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    If he had any recollection the feat still existed & they were suitably split you'd like to think he'd have just done it.

    Now if the other feat in that room was mentioned, killing however many clowns, you'd have been lucky to get away with libtard, whatever it is.
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  2. TheDrone Well-Known Player

    You're absolutely right on that. If people say, "let's do XXX feat", I most likely have it and have no idea what it is anymore. If they say, "kill the clown before Tala", those are instructions I can follow.
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  3. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    That's a fair comment, too. I have most of the feats memorized from helping people over the years, but it didn't really occur to me that is probably not the norm. For that feat, it's actually "Don't kill the clown before Tala." ;)

    That still doesn't excuse the toxic comments I received for my question, but the actions in the operation may be a little more acceptable.
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  4. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    It really matters on the feat...if its more of an intricate time consuming feat then maybe its best making your own group thats actually interested in getting it. Otherwise it should no real issue for someone to help you get a feat. I do it all the time. I joined a Spindrift Reg group and could not get 2 scoreboard chasers to help get some ppl the "Face your Fears" feat (already had feat, so just wanted to help). They ran into the pipe/add boss fight and kept dying and refused to come. I initiated kicking the one and the other quickly fell in line, and another person came in to get ppl the feat finally. In all because the 2 ppl didnt want to do it, a 20 sec feat turned into a 5 min feat. The unwillingness to help ppl get easy feats baffles me.
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  5. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Had a similar experience. There was one guy that refused to get in arguing it was a waste of time for him since he already had the feat. This argument went on for about three minutes when all he had to do was get in the water for 20 seconds. Waste of time, indeed.

    And no, he didn’t get in the water. We finally gave up, or he would probably still be there arguing now.
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  6. Tocimus Committed Player

    Lesson that should have been learned since the beginning is b ask dont expect.
    Even in the first month ppl where rushing through. We made it clear at the beginning or even before que, that it was a feat run and which feats we'd be completing.
    Say it at the beginning and/or when forming the group. Otherwise you're just complaining about ppl not reading your mind.

    At a minimum ask before that reaching that part of the instance.
  7. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Like I said on my post it really matters on the group and the feat you want to do, with communication being key. Just in my situation the people that wanted the feat clearly stated they wanted the feat. It was about 5 group members out of the raid that wanted it. So we kicked the one scoreboard chaser after trying to get him to come over multiple times via group chat. The second guy I assume realized he would be next and came over. A random person from the queue joined the instance and was happy to help, and ppl got the feat. Funny enough, the second scoreboard chaser was one of the ppl that got the feat as well.
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  8. Dene Devoted Player

    He called you a libtard because that is the new "go to" insult of 2018 - most have no idea why they are saying it
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  9. Red Batern Well-Known Player

    Short answer: NO.

    Long answer:

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  10. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    That's the thing, though. I didn't need the feat. I just thought it was odd that he separated Bumbler from Tala and then defeated Bumbler first. I'm sure some of the others in the group did need the feat since there were several in the tier 4-6 range. Had it been me in the 230's position, seeing Bumbler away from Tala, I would have attacked Tala and ignored Bumbler to get the feat for people who needed it.
  11. Tocimus Committed Player

    I'd think that was odd simply because soloing tala is faster at that cr.

    I also hope you reported that player as they joined the group knowing it was for the feat, and intentionally nixed it.
  12. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Libtard is very old. The go to insult for the last two years is "alt-right". I see it used so much, with so much ambiguity that I estimate 98% of all America is "alt-right".
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  13. SuperBell Loyal Player

    I think that would cause more problems because almost everybody that can beat an instance with two people will always go that option further making queues longer for low level people.
  14. Dene Devoted Player

    i thought that was a badge of honour? Been awhile since i deleted twitter lol
  15. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Just for the record, there was never a portal for Black Dawn or Vengeance. The only way to get into those Operations was to queue up for them. The only portal that was taken away and never returned was for Paradox Wave (due to a glitch that they haven't been able to fix).
  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Libtard= Bleeding heart Liberal or Democratic Social Justice Warrior meant to insult anyone trying to do the right thing or help others because that is how toxic and divisive Republicans are trying to paint Democrats in general. Most idiots spouting that label just want to offend.

    To the OP,'s not bad to help strangers get feats. If I have the time and it's easy enough, I offer to help people get a few whenever possible. Considering all the bs about skill points you'd think people would be willing to help people get easy ones knocked out. People are strange to say the least...
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  17. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    you are right but that in no way excuses what happened.....if the solo portals are working then high cr people should use them if they can...or be a team player..have fun with friends...mentor a lessor one time...yes..EVEN I..."No Not you are too DemiGod like..."
    "REALLY...EVEN YOU" !!!
    "yes...I was a mere sidekick...once...barely past smartpet status...but even then..all the whispered tales of " Wallachia Lad" were true..."
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  18. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i try to help out when i can. experience has taught me to expect the worst.

    i run the malfunction duo every day, sometimes a few times. I have my league hall set up in such a way that you won't forget the experience any time soon. Its very easy to pop a few feats in this duo with minimal effort. More times than not if I queue into the duo with a low cr or inexperienced player they're the ones rushing forward.

    The game is intended to be enjoyed by everyone. Its an experience for us all not just new and first time players.

    Sometimes things will go your way, sometimes they won't. No instance in this game is forever locked away unable to be replayed.

    I have no issues making things about someone else but those players who expect it to always be about them need to wake up.
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  19. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    Next time kick the 230...but make sure you tell everyone so that they vote to kick. This has happened to me before. I am at like 234 and in an alert someone, asked at the beginning if we could get an easy feat for them and the other 230 went off and just ran through and started going ahead for no reason. We told them to settle down and he told us to go to hell. So I started the vote to kick him and I helped them get the feat. Simple solution. Higher CR does NOT mean that they are running things when you as a group just kick them. Guess what? Now they have to sit a queue cause their momma didn't teach them how to play well with others. But I will say that if it is a difficult over the top feat, I do not want to sit their either bur if it is easy, why not help?
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  20. Tilz Loyal Player

    Just to quote that random thing here.

    Haven't read it... mabye because i'm stupid. Did you ask to do the feat? Or did you just go like: Ah we'll do that feat by the way regardless what might happen?

    I mean when I enter older content I often go to finish it "fast" without thinking much about feats.
    In random que groups I only try to get feats when I know I can pull the group easily through a easy feat on my own.
    When ppl ask to do a certain feat I might help depending on the feat (no I don't want to farm 50 clowns.. i'm fine with 10), but I hate it to join a run (maybe lfg group) and no1 said anything about a feat. Then right when a bossfight starts they're gonna talk about the feat. That is annoying. "ask"/talk about that feat before entering that specific fight. That's just more fair imo.
    Insulting on the other hand is the wrong way