Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Hussler, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. TheDark Devoted Player

    Lol No... Do you know how PIs work?
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  2. Original Empress Well-Known Player

    I personally have not noticed a slow down or a nerf of Gadgets. I have noticed new animations but then from what I understand many new animations have been added for other weapons as well. Gadgets is very fast paced. It has to be. I never jump cancel animations and without any problem. Perhaps TKM is right. You should try a different powers or rotation. For DPS I have THROWING KNIVES (Only available on acrobat skill tree) NAPALM GRENADE, CRYO FOAM, CRYO FIELD, PHOTON BLAST AND BUNKER BUSTER. That's 2 DoTs, 3 50% buffs, a 45% and a 40. Between them and WM combos I do pretty good damage. Napalm Grenade gets me my 360% bonus automatic after WM combo. It's already a 50% buff DoT. The I drop Cryo foam or field and do another WM combo again Napalm Grenade then Photon Blast. If I miss a combo for some reason I hit Throwing knives which is a 40% buff and knocks enemies down. Also I will hit Throwing Knives after Hand-blaster uppercut. Sometimes I get 360% bonus with that but I only do it because it looks so cool.
  3. Redmash New Player

    Imo Fear Gas is much easier to use. That's if you use the quick jump cancle for zero animation. The range is awesome now. If I was mainly on my Gadgets character tho I would be furious with the new animations for GG and NG. Devs what in the heck were you thinking when you thought it would be cool to toss a grenade like that? Girls softball pitch ?? Really?... Fail
  4. Hussler New Player

    My point exactly. What the...
  5. Original Empress Well-Known Player

    You should see the sleep dart animation. I use it on my controller. Looks like a Cricket pitch. Not baseball, cricket. LOL
    Speaking of animations...Have you seen my thread "Arms forward in flight"
  6. Drakonicus New Player

    "Just a bunch of Bs. Who these dumb dc designers , making these dumb decisions. Adding new **** and changing the game. Just add new stuff."

    And OP, you have the right to voice your opinions, but insulting the people who work on the game shouldn't be the way to do it.
  7. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    Gadgets is better now than it's ever been. Not only did they give a two way PI to Napalm and guass, they also made vortex cannon and Neural neutralizer viable powers to put in a DPS rotation. Before, it was a waste to even consider vortex cannon, but now that it applies dazed PI and feeds off Dazed PI, using it in conjunction with a lunge and Neural Neutralizer yeilds some crazy damage at Melee range, toss in cryo feild and guass grenade and you've got yellow numbers for days, not that many people would go back to power burning might based loadouts thanks to Weapon Mastery. The game has been changed to be about comboing into burst damage powers, and Gadgets is the king of Burst Damage. Always has been, always will be.

    Look, OP, I know you might be a little upset with the constant changes to gadgets, but they're really trying, the Devs have been working hard to fix the powerset without overpowering it. Show them a little compassion and understanding, encourage them, not berate them

    Tell me: Would you wanna work hard to please someone who called you stupid? Didn't think so.
  8. Mr.Me New Player

    Correct me if I'm wrong but the way I read the devs post they reduced the damage of some powers and added PI making it so that you have to make use of the PI to achieve the same damage as the power used to without a PI. I wouldn't really call adding extra layers of requirement to something an improvement technically you have to do more to reach the same goal now.
  9. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    You're are correct that it is now required for gadgets to utilize PI to achieve the damage it used to achieve, but that damage was achieved using strong moves like photon blast, a good weapon and intimidation. (At least that's what I've seen in terms of non PI damage) With weapon mastery, it's now optimal to setup a PI with a well timed clip and to utilize it immeadiately after to achieve maximum damage. Had gadgets been allowed to retain it's swift, high damage powers, it would have severley abused the new weapon mastery system and been unbalanced, requiring a nerf, which would most likely have brought it to its current level, or a lower one.
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  10. Mr.Me New Player

    Makes sense, I'm not really sure how PS game play behaves with things like stacking DoT's and overriding and such. Say you cast out Electric PI and an Electric player uses something that procs off the gadgets Ele PI before he gets his next power out, does the gadgets player get the shaft on the PI? If so then they also get it on damage out put. Tbh I haven't played it much except a little on test to get a feel for WM and the animation changes so Idk.
  11. TheDark Devoted Player

    The PI effects are shared. As long as the target is dazed/electrified/frostbitten a gadget player will benefit with extra damage on select powers. It doesn't matter what or who set it up.

    Same with the slight extra damage on burning targets thwt cause explosive damage except the burning DoT. Which doesn't matter because it's a PI DoT that is weakest in game. A DoT that no experienced player should take its credit on damage seriously. All it does is boost initial hits on damage and helps fire tanks heal. Just info.