Is DCUO really free to play???

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Too Dirty, Jun 28, 2017.

  1. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    starro is a yearly event more then likely, and you know damn well the chances of getting from lvl 10 to end game without replays isn't happening. replays or stabilizers for time capsules.

  2. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

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  3. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    In the last year, they have also allowed all players access to all content during their 'Open Episodes' initiatives twice - for about a month at a time.
  4. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    and people used to claim that you cant reach end game level by solo... and i reach 177cr by myself and currently working to get 186cr for AoJ..

    if you have dedication, you can do it.. i can easily see free player jump from event to event and gear up to end game with unattune gear, especially seasonal event also sell seasonal unattuned gear that cap at 170+ item level.. which probably will give around 190+ cr.. it may take them years to do so and i dont see the point of reaching 190+ cr as a free player cause you cant play anything else but free event.. but it's still possible if they wanted too..

    and I think free player also get to play the stabilizer mission, they get 3 per mission, so they can still open time capsule for gear.. it only take them a week to do so as oppose to legendary which only took around 3-4 days..
  5. SuperBell Loyal Player

  6. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Replays are optional.
  7. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I disagree with most. This is a free to play game, and there is LOTS to do without paying a dime. Not just talking out my butt. My kid got a PS4 for xmas. He started his own game and I helped him with different parts to power level him thru content. You can get all the way to T4 without even buying an episode. Inner alert is the only T4, but it's still better than T3 gear. With things like the anniversary, starro, and now war torn you can power level yourself. It all depends on what you think being end game means currently.

    Playing with friends and being in a league does help, but there is on going peer pressure to be max with everything. This is not needed. It's great to have everything, like home turf and what not, but it won't make it impossible to play. All of the toys we have like home turf just help make the game easier, that's its.

    The game can be whatever you want it to be. I haven't paid anything except for my sub for the last 4 years. I learnt my lesson when badges and respec tokens were first released. It was a waste, a big waste. My sub I keep up just for convenience, I like to pvp. You can even time your monthly sub, like when a new DLC drops, and only buy one month or one DLC.

    Try not to get sucked in. Try and focus on having fun first.
  8. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Being max CR is not necessary anymore. Most won't reach it for months, if at all, unless spending money. That's not what he asked either. He just wants to know if reaching end game is possible, which it is.

    To the OP, go back and read the revs notes. Starting in September, we are going to start seeing a new hybrid DLC. There will be plenty of content for you to run, almost every month. Currently you can gear up thru the free war torn event, and the summer event. People forget there is gear that attunes to your CR with holiday events now also.

    Just do a little research. You can map out your path and have plenty to do. This past year has been the year of free to play. Last September thru February all content except end game was free. This was very popular since it has started to reshape how DLCs are done now.
  9. Too Dirty New Player

    What I am asking is that without spending any real money for DLC can I get the top pve gear and be competitive or can I get the top pvp gear and be competitive? I know many other players probably feel the same it's just when I was playing pay to win was the only way to be top tier that's why my league basically gave it up. I enjoy the game, but you shouldn't have to pay to be competitive.
  10. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Probably more accurate to say the "basic" game is free. Anything past cr80, except for the Seasonals and Events, is not part of the "basic" game and therefore not free.
  11. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    if you want all the feats there are to get. you have to spend real money. or your never get them all. and don't think you can get max cr with out a sub at least.
  12. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    of course they are, but here's something for you and alot of others that say that same thing.

    If you couldnt sell resets would you still say that? No, because then you couldnt just buy them off of people you would then have to buy replays to get the half price for alts, if you run alts ofc. Which nowadays alot do because 7 minute alerts and 11 minute raids arent cutting it for large content DLC' lmao
  13. Bone Witch New Player

    PVP gear tracks separately and only accrues through pvp matches. So you should be able to go there as a f2p.
    PVE will be very restrictive, with the limited content and the 2k cash cap. There's some stuff to do (holiday events, barter around the cash cap, work on your achievements which directly make your character stronger, play around with alts). But at a certain point, you'll almost certainly want to subscribe for at least a month, so you can play around with different powersets. The only real question is whether that happens this month or in 2-3 months.
  14. Too Dirty New Player

    When I think of the money I spent on this game so far just to have the real experience I get sick to my stomach. I guess my real question is are y'all really okay with it?
  15. Mazahs Loyal Player

    I am but it seems you want something for nothing.
    Even my youngest knows that doesnt exist....and hes just 13
  16. Too Dirty New Player

    I would hope so when it comes to tier money should not be involved.